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Enable trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin to be configured with a IP segment #9809

Closed pnicolucci closed 3 years ago

pnicolucci commented 5 years ago

Current description of the property:

-trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin the "trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin" property should be configured with a comma-separated list of IP addresses corresponding to those of any WebSphere-aware proxy servers in front of the WebSphere server.

-trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin "trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin" property could be configured with a IP segment corresponding to those of any WebSphere-aware proxy servers in front of the WebSphere server.

We'll use the wildcard syntax that's used by the TCP channel include and exclide lists ex.) trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin="192.168.10.*"

These IP segments should support IPv6 syntax was well. ex.) trustedSensitiveHeaderOrigin="0:0:0:0:0:0:*:*"

Maintaining a list of all valid IP addresses without having the ability to use an IP segment is a large cost to some users.

This property should additionally support hostnames, since some customers would prefer not to configure IPs. Those hostnames will also allow leading wildcards, eg. *

The improvements above should also be made for the trustedHeaderOrigin property.

RFE Link:

List of Steps to complete or get approvals / sign-offs for Onboarding to the Liberty release (GM date)


TARGET COMPLETION DATE Before Development Starts or 8 weeks before Onboarding

jtmulvey commented 4 years ago

Marked this as in progress.

wtlucy commented 4 years ago

The changes required here are straightforward:

NottyCode commented 4 years ago

@wtlucy can we make sure that we cover both IPv6 and IPv4 syntax when this is done?