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Change all tags to be lowercase, no spaces #1676

Closed mbroz2 closed 8 months ago

mbroz2 commented 4 years ago

Change all our tags to instead be all lowercase letters with no spaces, this includes blogs and guides. Need to make sure that old tags continue to resolve/map to the new ones (for example, "Jakarta EE" in query param maps to "jakartaee")

steven1046 commented 3 years ago

Why do they need to be lowercase?

steven1046 commented 1 year ago

Is this still needed @mbroz2?

mbroz2 commented 1 year ago

yes, we should still pursue this. It's common practice to have tags be all lower case (it also looks odd to have some upper and some lowercase)

steven1046 commented 11 months ago

Need to update and

natalie-bernhard commented 11 months ago

This will also require updates to each of the language files here: (the value on the left needs to be equal to whatever the tags are listed as in blog_tags

steven1046 commented 11 months ago


Some tags would look strange with all lowercase and no spaces, like "javase" and the user wouldn't know it's two words necessarily.

steven1046 commented 10 months ago

After a site discussion, here is what we want to change the tags to:

Old New
Maven maven
Jakarta EE jakartaee
MicroProfile microprofile
Kubernetes kubernetes
Docker docker
Cloud cloud
Reactive reactive
Getting Started getting-started
Microservices microservices
Gradle gradle
Security security
OpenTracing opentracing
@Traced | @traced
OpenTelemetry telemetry
@WithSpan | @withspan
Testing testing
Interactive interactive
@Bulkhead | @bulkhead
@Asynchronous | @asynchronous
@Fallback | @fallback
Concurrent requests concurrentrequests
Circuit Breaker circuitbreaker
@CircuitBreaker | @circuitbreaker
Fault Tolerance faulttolerance
Config config
@Inject | @inject
@ConfigProperty | @configproperty
ConfigSource configsource
@Retry | @retry
@Timeout | @timeout
Run in cloud runincloud
deprecated deprecated
mbroz2 commented 10 months ago

I think we need to be consistent with regards to what we do with regards to spaces in the original tags. I suggest we use '-' instead, like is being done in getting-started. That means we'd have 'concurrent-requests', 'circuit-breaker', 'fault-tolerance' and 'run-in-cloud'.

@lauracowen for her input