OpenLightingProject / open-fixture-library

A library and website for lighting technology's DMX fixture definition files.
MIT License
189 stars 64 forks source link

aze #1895

Closed sarcage closed 3 years ago

sarcage commented 3 years ago
  "plugin": "gdtf",
  "fileName": "gdtf.html",
  "fileContentBase64": "Um9iZSBHRFRGIGxpYnJhcmllcyBhcmUgYXZhaWxhYmxlIGF0IDxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHBzOi8vZ2R0Zi1zaGFyZS5jb20vdXNlci5waHA/bmFtZT1Sb2JlK0xpZ2h0aW5nK3Muci5vLiZwYWdlPWZpeHR1cmVzIj5odHRwczovL2dkdGYtc2hhcmUuY29tL3VzZXIucGhwP25hbWU9Um9iZStMaWdodGluZytzLnIuby4mcGFnZT1maXh0dXJlczwvYT4KCg==",
  "author": "sarcage"

Parse error (Non-whitespace before first tag. Line: 0 Column: 1 Char: R)

FloEdelmann commented 3 years ago

HTML files obviously can't be parsed as GDTF files. Only *.gdtf or *.xml files are allowed.