OpenLightingProject / open-fixture-library

A library and website for lighting technology's DMX fixture definition files.
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Add fixture `aputure/infinibar` #3988

Open FloEdelmann opened 1 month ago

FloEdelmann commented 1 month ago

Fixture warnings / errors

User comment

Aputure Infinibar GDTF import

Thank you Rune!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Export files validity

(Output of test script tests/github/exports-valid.js.)

Test the exported files of selected fixtures against the plugins' export tests. You can run a plugin's export tests by executing: $ node cli/run-export-test.js -p <plugin name> <fixtures>

✔️ aputure / infinibar: d-light / attributes-correctness
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 1 - CCTRGB 1px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 2 -CCT 1px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 3 - CCTHSI 1px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 4 - RGB 1px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 5 - HSI 1px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 6 -XY 1px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 9 - CCTRGB 4px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 10 - CCTRGB 6px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 11 -CCTRGB 8px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 12 -CCTRGB 12px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 13 - CCTRGB 16Px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 14 - CCTRGB 24px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 15 - CCTRGB 32px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 16 - CCTRGB 48px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 17 - RGB 4px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 18 - RGB 6px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 19 - RGB 8px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 20 - RGB 12px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 21 - RGB 16px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 22 - RGB 24px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 23 -RGB 32px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 24 - RGB 48px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 25 - HSI 4px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 26 - HSI 6px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 27 - HSI 8px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 28 - HSI 12px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 29 - HSI 16px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 30 - HSI 24px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 31 - HSI 32px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure/infinibar-Mode 32 - HSI 48px.xml
aputure / infinibar: dmxcontrol3 / channel-numbers
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-1---CCTRGB-1px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 8 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-2--CCT-1px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-3---CCTHSI-1px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 7 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-4---RGB-1px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 5 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-5---HSI-1px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
    Capability -1…0 in channel 5 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-6--XY-1px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-9---CCTRGB-4px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-10---CCTRGB-6px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-11--CCTRGB-8px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-12--CCTRGB-12px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-13---CCTRGB-16Px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-14---CCTRGB-24px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-15---CCTRGB-32px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-16---CCTRGB-48px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-17---RGB-4px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-18---RGB-6px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-19---RGB-8px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-20---RGB-12px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-21---RGB-16px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-22---RGB-24px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-23--RGB-32px.xml
  • ✔️ aputure-infinibar-Mode-24---RGB-48px.xml
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-25---HSI-4px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-26---HSI-6px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-27---HSI-8px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-28---HSI-12px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-29---HSI-16px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-30---HSI-24px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-31---HSI-32px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
  • ❌ aputure-infinibar-Mode-32---HSI-48px.xmlCapability -1…0 in channel 4 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
aputure / infinibar: dragonframe / json-schema-conformity
  • ❌ aputure/infinibar.jsonfixture/availableChannels/Dim/capabilities/0/brightnessStart 0 must be string
    fixture/availableChannels/Dim/capabilities/0/brightnessStart 0 must be string
    fixture/availableChannels/Dim/capabilities/0/brightnessStart 0 must be equal to one of [off, dark, bright]
    fixture/availableChannels/Dim/capabilities/0/brightnessStart 0 must match exactly one schema in oneOf
    fixture/availableChannels/Dim/capabilities/0 (type: Intensity) must match "then" schema
  • ✔️ manufacturers.json
aputure / infinibar: millumin / json-schema-conformity
  • ❌ aputure/infinibar.jsonfixture/availableChannels/Tint/type "Unknown" must be equal to one of [Intensity, Single Color, Multi-Color, Pan, Tilt, Focus, Zoom, Iris, Gobo, Prism, Shutter, Strobe, Speed, Color Temperature, Effect, Fog, Maintenance, Nothing]
aputure / infinibar: qlcplus_4.12.2 / fixture-tool-validation
  • ❌ fixtures/Aputure-Infinibar.qxfNamespace(map=False, convert=None, validate=['.']) Starting validation ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf:Strobe1: Capability with no description detected
aputure / infinibar: qlcplus_4.12.2 / xsd-schema-conformity
  • ❌ fixtures/Aputure-Infinibar.qxfElement '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.
    Element '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.
    Element '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.
    Element '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.