OpenLightingProject / open-fixture-library

A library and website for lighting technology's DMX fixture definition files.
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Add fixture `fos-technologies/fos-wash-led-quad-iii` #4037

Open FloEdelmann opened 1 week ago

FloEdelmann commented 1 week ago

Fixture warnings / errors

Thank you supmagc!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Export files validity

(Output of test script tests/github/exports-valid.js.)

Test the exported files of selected fixtures against the plugins' export tests. You can run a plugin's export tests by executing: $ node cli/run-export-test.js -p <plugin name> <fixtures>

✔️ fos-technologies / fos-wash-led-quad-iii: d-light / attributes-correctness
  • ✔️ fos-technologies/fos-wash-led-quad-iii-16Ch Standard.xml
fos-technologies / fos-wash-led-quad-iii: dmxcontrol3 / channel-numbers
  • ❌ fos-technologies-fos-wash-led-quad-iii-16Ch-Standard.xmlCapability -1…1 in channel 13 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
    Capability -1…0 in channel 13 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
    Capability -1…0 in channel 13 is out of the allowed 0…255 range.
    Channel 13 "Color Macro1" is missing capabilities. Used ranges: 0, 0…255
fos-technologies / fos-wash-led-quad-iii: dragonframe / json-schema-conformity
  • ❌ fos-technologies/fos-wash-led-quad-iii.jsonfixture/availableChannels/Pos MSpeed/capability/speedStart 0 must be string
    fixture/availableChannels/Pos MSpeed/capability/speedStart 0 must be string
    fixture/availableChannels/Pos MSpeed/capability/speedStart 0 must be string
    fixture/availableChannels/Pos MSpeed/capability/speedStart 0 must be equal to one of [fast, slow, stop, slow reverse, fast reverse]
    fixture/availableChannels/Pos MSpeed/capability/speedStart 0 must match exactly one schema in oneOf
    fixture/availableChannels/Pos MSpeed/capability (type: PanTiltSpeed) must match "then" schema
  • ✔️ manufacturers.json
fos-technologies / fos-wash-led-quad-iii: millumin / json-schema-conformity
  • ❌ fos-technologies/fos-wash-led-quad-iii.jsonfixture/availableChannels/Sh1/capabilities/1 must have required property 'name'
fos-technologies / fos-wash-led-quad-iii: qlcplus_4.12.2 / fixture-tool-validation
  • ❌ fixtures/FOS-Technologies-FOS-Wash-LED-Quad-III.qxfNamespace(map=False, convert=None, validate=['.']) Starting validation ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf:Sh1: Capability with no description detected ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf:Color Macro1/Macros NOT YET FINISHED: Min larger than Max 1/-1 ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf:Color Macro1/ 0…1: Min larger than Max 0/-1 ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf:Color Macro1/ 0…1: Min larger than Max 0/-1 ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf: Invalid physical dimensions detected ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf: Invalid ZOOM degrees 1 definitions processed. 6 errors detected
fos-technologies / fos-wash-led-quad-iii: qlcplus_4.12.2 / xsd-schema-conformity
  • ❌ fixtures/FOS-Technologies-FOS-Wash-LED-Quad-III.qxfElement '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.
    Element '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.
    Element '{}Capability', attribute 'Max': '-1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}dmxValueType'.
    Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Weight': [facet 'minExclusive'] The value '0' must be greater than '0'.
    Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Width': '0' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:positiveInteger'.
    Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Height': '0' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:positiveInteger'.
    Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Depth': '0' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:positiveInteger'.
kengruven commented 1 week ago

Is the GDTF-to-OFL converter part of OFL? All the GDTF conversions I've seen are uniformly pretty bad.

The manual for this fixture is quite clear, and there's only 2 modes, both pretty simple. If anybody wants this fixture in OFL, I can whip up a fresh one in 5 minutes -- faster than it would take to repair this automatic conversion.