OpenLilyPondFonts / lilyjazz

LilyJAZZ Font for LilyPond
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Repackaging for lyt #3

Open microtherion opened 6 years ago

microtherion commented 6 years ago

Hi Steve! I've taken the liberty of repackaging your lilyjazz repo into a format suitable for lyp. In the process, I also added some formatting tweaks, but preserved the option to keep using the original formatting. Before publicizing the repo, I wanted to reach out to you and Abraham (in separate e-mail) to make sure you have no objections to it. Would you mind taking a look and letting me know of any concerns? Thanks!

baloe commented 6 years ago

@microtherion Cool! I had given up hope that lilyjazz for lyp would ever be fixed but I had also lost interest in lyp because installing fonts has become so much easier in the recent version of lilypond.

I am very much interested in your modifications to lilyjazz, the traingle for major seven chords in particular. (

I you are adding that triangle symbol to the actual font I might switch over to lilypond. I do however prefer the transparency of manually installing lilypond to a directory of my choice without all that lyp-ruby stuff.

microtherion commented 6 years ago

Note that this repo is using a different font for chords than the original lyp lilyjazz package does. The original lilyjazz is using the text font for chords, and that one has no triangle, no sharps and flats. This repo (and my package based on it) are using a separate lilyjazz-chords font for chords, which looks a bit less wild than the text font, but has the extra glyphs. It just doesn't use triangles for M7 by default, but in lilypond that's a simple override, which I provided. It might be possible to write chord overrides that pull the missing glyphs from the lilyjazz music font, but I don't know off the top of my head how to switch fonts in markup.