What is the typo:
"Others in the class may also struggle---but the may struggle with different things."
Proposed correction:
The word 'the' is mistyped as it may be 'they' corresponding with 'Others' in a preceding clause.
"Others in the class may also struggle---but they may struggle with different things."
The most convenient way to report a typo should reference the file and line number where the typo occurs:
Alternatively describe the location of the typo (page #, "after Theorem 5.1", etc., and mention which PDF you are referencing)
Typo location: https://github.com/OpenLogicProject/OpenLogic/blob/5df41c789b7ef9463b7c2061330c3b8cec7355c4/content/methods/proofs/cant-do-it.tex#L27
What is the typo: "Others in the class may also struggle---but the may struggle with different things."
Proposed correction: The word 'the' is mistyped as it may be 'they' corresponding with 'Others' in a preceding clause. "Others in the class may also struggle---but they may struggle with different things."