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Replace hyphens with n-dashes when joining two names. #345

Closed beastaugh closed 7 months ago

beastaugh commented 7 months ago

E.g. 'L\"owenheim-Skolem' becomes 'L\"owenheim--Skolem'.

This comports with general typesetting practice in which names of distinct persons, date ranges etc. are joined by n-dashes rather than hyphens.

So e.g. 'Burali-Forti' remains as is, joined by a hyphen, since it is a single (albeit double-barrelled) name.

rzach commented 7 months ago

I have no objection, it's certainly logical. (Hart's agrees; Chicago doesn't FWIW). Do you know if that improves hyphenation? (I think LaTeX doesn't hyphenate hyphenated compounds at all, right?)