OpenMDAO / Aviary

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Improve Fortran to Aviary converter intelligence for FLOPS files #305

Open cmbenne3 opened 4 months ago

cmbenne3 commented 4 months ago


A lot of parameters in FLOPS have different behavior based on the absolute value of that parameter (for example the weights overrides act as a scale factor when between 0 and 5, and act as an absolute weight override for values > 5). Aviary currently doesn't understand this and just maps each flops parameter to the most appropriate aviary parameter. It would dramatically improve usability to make aviary aware of this logic and correctly parse the FLOPS value into _mass_scalar or _mass depending on the absolute value. Some of the default FLOPS units are also different to aviary's default units (e.g. AERIN.VAPP is in knots in FLOPS, but mission:landing:initial_velocity is in ft/s in aviary)


Some examples of mass_scaler vs mass (not exhaustive) aircraft:crew_and_payload:passenger_service_mass_scaler,3020,unitless -> aircraft:crew_and_payload:passenger_service_mass,3020,lbm aircraft:crew_and_payload:non_flight_crew_mass_scaler,680,unitless -> aircraft:crew_and_payload:non_flight_crew_mass,680,lbm aircraft:fuel:unusable_fuel_mass_scaler,436,unitless -> aircraft:fuel:unusable_fuel_mass,436,lbm aircraft:nacelle:mass_scaler,1280,unitless -> aircraft:nacelle:mass,1280,lbm aircraft:propulsion:engine_oil_mass_scaler,111.1,unitless -> aircraft:propulsion:total_engine_oil_mass,111.1,lbm

An example of defaults units mismatch AERIN.VAPP (knots) -> mission:landing:initial_velocity (ft/s)

Aviary Version

Relevant environment information

MBSA&E Concepts Library team have a list of FLOPS conversion errors to be addressed.

xjjiang commented 4 months ago

Some GASP variables have similar behaviors.

Kenneth-T-Moore commented 4 months ago

Irian had a list too, but it may have been incorporated into the conepts library's list.