When a polynomial control has rate_targets in the ODE, the resulting simulation obtains an incorrect value for that rate because it relies on the ration of phase duration to phase "tau" space. (0.5 * t_duration).
t_duration doesn't seem to be correctly connected to the integration component, resulting in incorrect evaluations of the control rate and therefore incorrect propagation.
The following code tests control rate targets in both the optimization and simulation for multiple transcriptions and both polynomial and "full" controls.
In this case, make_plots is True to demonstrate the issue with the polynomial control cases. They will also fail the assertion that the simulation and solution be nearly the same.
import unittest
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
except ImportError:
matplotlib = None
import openmdao.api as om
from openmdao.utils.testing_utils import use_tempdirs
from dymos.utils.misc import om_version
from dymos.utils.testing_utils import assert_timeseries_near_equal
from dymos.utils.misc import _unspecified
class BrachistochroneRateTargetODE(om.ExplicitComponent):
# The following dictionaries provide a way of 'tagging' the Brachistochrone ODE with
# information about states and parameters that can be accessed from Phase.
# In this case these are class attributes, but the choice of whether or not to tie
# this information to the ODE itself (and how to do so) is entirely up to the user.
# In a dynamic ODE model these might be instance attributes whose values vary depending on
# the arguments to the instantiation.
states = {'x': {'rate_source': 'xdot',
'units': 'm'},
'y': {'rate_source': 'ydot',
'units': 'm'},
'v': {'rate_source': 'vdot',
'units': 'm/s'}}
parameters = {'theta': {'units': 'rad'},
'g': {'units': 'm/s**2'}}
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare('num_nodes', types=int)
self.options.declare('static_gravity', types=(bool,), default=False,
desc='If True, treat gravity as a static (scalar) input, rather than '
'having different values at each node.')
self.options.declare('control_name', values=('theta', 'int_theta_rate'), default='int_theta_rate')
def setup(self):
nn = self.options['num_nodes']
control_name = self.options['control_name']
g_default_val = 9.80665 if self.options['static_gravity'] else 9.80665 * np.ones(nn)
# Inputs
self.add_input('v', val=np.zeros(nn), desc='velocity', units='m/s')
self.add_input('g', val=g_default_val, desc='grav. acceleration', units='m/s/s')
# Note, kind of strange for this to be named theta_rate, but this is just a demonstration that
# we can connect to a control rate source in dymos.
self.add_input(control_name, val=np.ones(nn), desc='angle of wire', units='rad')
self.add_output('xdot', val=np.zeros(nn), desc='velocity component in x', units='m/s')
self.add_output('ydot', val=np.zeros(nn), desc='velocity component in y', units='m/s')
self.add_output('vdot', val=np.zeros(nn), desc='acceleration magnitude', units='m/s**2')
self.add_output('check', val=np.zeros(nn),
desc='check solution: v/sin(theta) = constant',
# Setup partials
arange = np.arange(self.options['num_nodes'])
self.declare_partials(of='vdot', wrt=control_name, rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials(of='xdot', wrt='v', rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials(of='xdot', wrt=control_name, rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials(of='ydot', wrt='v', rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials(of='ydot', wrt=control_name, rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials(of='check', wrt='v', rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials(of='check', wrt=control_name, rows=arange, cols=arange)
if self.options['static_gravity']:
c = np.zeros(self.options['num_nodes'])
self.declare_partials(of='vdot', wrt='g', rows=arange, cols=c)
self.declare_partials(of='vdot', wrt='g', rows=arange, cols=arange)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
u_name = self.options['control_name']
theta = inputs[u_name]
cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
g = inputs['g']
v = inputs['v']
outputs['vdot'] = g * cos_theta
outputs['xdot'] = v * sin_theta
outputs['ydot'] = -v * cos_theta
outputs['check'] = v / sin_theta
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
u_name = self.options['control_name']
theta = inputs[u_name]
cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
g = inputs['g']
v = inputs['v']
partials['vdot', 'g'] = cos_theta
partials['vdot', u_name] = -g * sin_theta
partials['xdot', 'v'] = sin_theta
partials['xdot', u_name] = v * cos_theta
partials['ydot', 'v'] = -cos_theta
partials['ydot', u_name] = v * sin_theta
partials['check', 'v'] = 1 / sin_theta
partials['check', u_name] = -v * cos_theta / sin_theta ** 2
class TestBrachistochroneControlRateTargets(unittest.TestCase):
def test_brachistochrone_control_rate_targets(self):
import openmdao.api as om
from openmdao.utils.assert_utils import assert_near_equal
import dymos as dm
transcriptions = {'gauss-lobatto': dm.GaussLobatto(num_segments=10),}
# 'radau': dm.Radau(num_segments=10),
# 'birkhoff': dm.Birkhoff(num_nodes=30)}
for tx_name, tx in transcriptions.items():
for control_target_method in ('implicit', 'explicit'):
for control_type in ('full', 'polynomial'):
with self.subTest(f'{tx_name=} {control_target_method=} {control_type=}'):
p = om.Problem(model=om.Group())
p.driver = om.pyOptSparseDriver(optimizer='SLSQP', print_results=False)
traj = dm.Trajectory()
ode_kwargs = {'control_name': 'int_theta_rate' if control_target_method == 'implicit' else 'theta'}
phase = dm.Phase(ode_class=BrachistochroneRateTargetODE,
traj.add_phase('phase0', phase)
p.model.add_subsystem('traj0', traj)
phase.set_time_options(fix_initial=True, duration_bounds=(.5, 10))
phase.add_state('x', rate_source='xdot',
fix_initial=True, fix_final=True, solve_segments=False)
phase.add_state('y', rate_source='ydot',
fix_initial=True, fix_final=True, solve_segments=False)
phase.add_state('v', rate_source='vdot',
fix_initial=True, fix_final=False, solve_segments=False)
# our control is the time integral of theta. We pass its rate to the ODE and it should implicitly find it since
# it is named `int_theta_rate` in the ODE.
phase.add_control('int_theta', lower=0.0, upper=None, fix_initial=True,
rate_targets=_unspecified if control_target_method == 'implicit' else ['theta'],
control_type=control_type, order=7)
phase.add_parameter('g', units='m/s**2', opt=False, val=9.80665)
# Minimize time at the end of the phase
phase.add_objective('time', loc='final', scaler=10)
p.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()
phase.set_time_val(initial=0.0, duration=2.0)
phase.set_state_val('x', [0, 10])
phase.set_state_val('y', [10, 5])
phase.set_state_val('v', [0, 9.9])
phase.set_control_val('int_theta', [0, 100], units='deg*s')
# Solve for the optimal trajectory
dm.run_problem(p, simulate=True, make_plots=True, simulate_kwargs={'reports': True})
sol_db = 'dymos_solution.db'
sim_db = 'dymos_simulation.db'
if om_version()[0] > (3, 34, 2):
sol_db = p.get_outputs_dir() / sol_db
sim_db = traj.sim_prob.get_outputs_dir() / sim_db
sol_case = om.CaseReader(sol_db).get_case('final')
sim_case = om.CaseReader(sim_db).get_case('final')
t_sol = sol_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.time')
x_sol = sol_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.x')
y_sol = sol_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.y')
v_sol = sol_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.v')
theta_sol = sol_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.int_theta_rate')
t_sim = sim_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.time')
x_sim = sim_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.x')
y_sim = sim_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.y')
v_sim = sim_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.v')
theta_sim = sim_case.get_val('traj0.phase0.timeseries.int_theta_rate')
assert_timeseries_near_equal(t_sol, x_sol, t_sim, x_sim, rel_tolerance=5.0E-3, abs_tolerance=0.01)
assert_timeseries_near_equal(t_sol, y_sol, t_sim, y_sim, rel_tolerance=5.0E-3, abs_tolerance=0.01)
assert_timeseries_near_equal(t_sol, v_sol, t_sim, v_sim, rel_tolerance=5.0E-3, abs_tolerance=0.01)
assert_timeseries_near_equal(t_sol, theta_sol, t_sim, theta_sim, rel_tolerance=5.0E-3, abs_tolerance=0.01)
When a polynomial control has
in the ODE, the resulting simulation obtains an incorrect value for that rate because it relies on the ration of phase duration to phase "tau" space. (0.5 * t_duration
doesn't seem to be correctly connected to the integration component, resulting in incorrect evaluations of the control rate and therefore incorrect propagation.Example
The following code tests control rate targets in both the optimization and simulation for multiple transcriptions and both polynomial and "full" controls.
In this case, make_plots is True to demonstrate the issue with the polynomial control cases. They will also fail the assertion that the simulation and solution be nearly the same.
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