OpenMDAO / pyCycle

Thermodynamic cycle modeling library, built on top of OpenMDAO
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Issues related to MAP correction of off-design points #63

Open NJC1012 opened 1 month ago

NJC1012 commented 1 month ago

Dear scholar! When I matched the design points of a high bypass ratio engine model with 0 Mach and 0 altitude, it was difficult to perform off-design point calculations. Firstly, how to perform off-design point calculations, especially the scaling and correction of MAP, was not seen in the relevant examples. Secondly, when I try to perform off-design point calculations, it is easy to encounter "SolverWarning: 'case1. duct13. out_stat. base_thermo. chem_eq. n' exceptions lower bounds". And "RuntimeWarning: invalid value encoded in sqrt"and"Vsonic=(i ['gamma '] i ['R'] i ['Ts']) 0.5", may I know how to handle it? Is it due to a problem with the component map? I urgently need your help. Thank you to the kind person and wish you good luck.

arushkumarsingh commented 1 month ago

Hi NJC, For map correction, u can read: For solver convergence, you can read:

Basically, by changing the initial value for the off-design condition, the code wouldn't throw any warning. But for some very odd off-design conditions, i.e if you are running at the edges of the maps, the solver will again throw out warnings.

I am also working on this code, can we connect? Thanks!

NJC1012 commented 1 month ago

Hi NJC, For map correction, u can read: For solver convergence, you can read:

Basically, by changing the initial value for the off-design condition, the code wouldn't throw any warning. But for some very odd off-design conditions, i.e if you are running at the edges of the maps, the solver will again throw out warnings.

I am also working on this code, can we connect? Thanks!

Thank you for your help. I'd be happy to connect,My contact details are"",If it's inconvenient, you can also provide your connect information.TAHNKS!

NJC1012 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your help. I'd be happy to connect,My contact details are"[].If it's inconvenient, you can also provide your connect information. Looking forward to your reply. TAHNKS!