The deprecations report needs to be updated to handle SubTests.
Since support for SubTests was added, test objects in the pipeline are iterable and can be a single test or a list of SubTests. The DeprecationsReport filter needs to be updated similarly to the other filters:
DeprecationsReport (does not handle SubTests):
for test in input_iter:
for msg, locs in test.deprecations.items():
deprecations[msg] = deprecations.get(msg, set()) | locs
yield test
DurationSummary (properly handles SubTests):
for tests in input_iter:
for test in tests:
durations.append((test.spec, test.end_time - test.start_time))
yield test
The deprecations report needs to be updated to handle SubTests.
Since support for SubTests was added, test objects in the pipeline are iterable and can be a single test or a list of SubTests. The DeprecationsReport filter needs to be updated similarly to the other filters:
DeprecationsReport (does not handle SubTests):
DurationSummary (properly handles SubTests):