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Support multiple enzymes in our Digestion and Indexing classes #4599

Open jpfeuffer opened 4 years ago

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

Comet supports a joint search for two enzymes and we have seen first interesting datasets where this was used. Should be relatively easy to implement and add a lot to flexibility. Great for making distinctions between isoforms and increase coverage on the proteins.

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

I shortly looked into it. We would need to update all the Parsers and Writers of ID formats (pepXML and mzID support multi enzymes already). Update our own schemas. Update SearchParameter object. Another problem is that there can be two ways of using multiple enzymes, often called dependent and independent:

I did not think a lot about DecoyGeneration yet, which might be a bit tricky.

Note that often Trypsin and LysC are used, which actually have the same cutting rules, there you could just continue using one enzyme.