OpenMacroBoard / StreamDeckSharp

A simple .NET wrapper for Stream Deck
MIT License
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Not working with Unity Api compatibility level= .net 4.x #15

Closed rawat94 closed 4 years ago

rawat94 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to add the dll in unity api version=4.x but It is throwing error Error:- The dll is not allowed to be included

wischi-chr commented 5 years ago

I'm not a unity expert, but my guess is that unity just uses C# for scripting and complaints about the HID library because it invokes (for obvious reasons) WinAPI stuff, but that's just a guess.

You could also try this:

rawat94 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the link. But can i get this project dll build on .net standard 2.0

wischi-chr commented 5 years ago

There is no nuget package for .netstandard yet but take a look at the most recent commits.

rawat94 commented 5 years ago


rawat94 commented 5 years ago

can we replace presentation framework to another dll which will support in Unity ?? Any suggestion

-- TIA

wischi-chr commented 5 years ago

❗️ There is no nuget package for .netstandard yet but take a look at the most recent commits. ❗️

There will be a .netstandard version in a few weeks but if you want to experiment with it sooner you can clone the repo instead of using the nuget packages and check out the most recent commits.

rawat94 commented 5 years ago

How to read stream key information. Example I have defined key as System: Text type and added string content defined as value. I'm interested to read the value through program. I'm able to debug StreamdeckSharp.dll. I was reading StreamDeckHardwareInfo class file but the class has no information related key content.

Please let us know how to read this value.