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Fixed bug in Mage_Usa_Model_Shipping_Carrier_Ups->_doShipmentRequestRest() #4046

Closed ragnese closed 3 months ago

ragnese commented 3 months ago

Description (*)

The _doShipmentRequest method has a mistake in parsing the JSON response from UPS. Each successful response has a ShipmentResponse object under the root object.

Related Pull Requests


Fixed Issues (if relevant)

Should I make an issue first for this kind of thing?

Manual testing scenarios (*)

Do anything that requires getting shipping labels from UPS

Questions or comments

The Magento2 code for UPS has this right. When I implemented the OpenMage version, my brain just skipped over the ShipmentResponse key- probably because it looks so similar to the next key, "ShipmentResults". Here's the Magento2 part for reference:

            $responseShipment = json_decode($response, true);
            $result = new DataObject();
            $shippingLabelContent =
            $trackingNumber =
            // phpcs:ignore Magento2.Functions.DiscouragedFunction

We've been running this in production after encountering errors with generating shipping labels.

Contribution checklist (*)