OpenMage / magento-lts

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Create a composer meta package with magento mirrors #470

Closed Schrank closed 3 years ago

Schrank commented 6 years ago

Adding magento as a dependency for packages is hard, because we have a lot of magento mirrors, like:

So creating a composer meta package which expects one of the repos to be used might help here.

schmengler commented 6 years ago

Like this?

There is no official magento/magento-ce package, so the users of your extension will probably install Magento from a community managed mirror like or from their own repository. These must replace the "virtual" magento/magento-ce package of the same version (there is a placeholder self.version, so that you don't need to adjust the composer.json for each version update):

"replace": {
    "magento/magento-ce": "self.version"
Schrank commented 6 years ago

No a meta package which says "I am magento" and yo can fulfill me by installing either:

or some other package which we don't know. Is some work to collect them all, but then a dependency on magento is possible.

Flyingmana commented 3 years ago

Closing this for now. A meta package could be created also from other organisations if still needed, we then could add support for this in OpenMage. But as OpenMage continuously moves forward and away from the original Magento1 version wise, this might become complicated to solve in a userfriendly way.