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OpenMandriva Lx is an exciting free Desktop Operating System that aims to cater to and interest first time and advanced users alike. It has the breadth and depth of an advanced system but is designed to be simple and straightforward in use.
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New library package policy #2760

Open berolinux opened 2 years ago

berolinux commented 2 years ago

The library package naming policy used up until 4.3 is in many ways suboptimal for an OS like OpenMandriva LX.

The following changes will probably make most sense:

Obviously more changes may be necessary/useful. Don't hesitate to add new ideas or tell me mine are wrong.

bogdro commented 2 years ago


I'm not an OS packager, maintainer or whatever, but wanted to share my humble point of view:

Thank you!

tpgxyz commented 2 years ago

@bogdro hello, thank yo for your feedback, let me respond to you points:

Ad 1. currently library naming scheme looks like that %{_lib}%{name}%{major}-%{version}-%{release}-%{disttag}.rpm


After the change of getting rid of %{_lib} you will get:


As you may have noticed library naming policy is going to produce still packages with arch name and stuff. These days we are mostly building packages with library prefix starting with "lib64", and this is a useless duplication of %{arch} in rpm filename.

Ad 2. This means libraries are not going to have %{major} in name: lib64f2fs8-1.14.0-2-omv4090.x86_64.rpm After the change it going to look like this: lib64f2fs-1.14.0-2-omv4090.x86_64.rpm

So when f2fs-tools package will get updated, and upstream decides to bump API version from 8 to 9 then we will have this situation: lib64f2fs-1.15.0-1-omv4090.x86_64.rpm If there are any packages that depends on 8 major, then it means we are going to maintain f2fa-tools8 that will generate lib64f2fs8-1.14.0-2-omv4090.x86_64.rpm

Ad 3. This is self explanatory

bogdro commented 2 years ago

@tpgxyz: Hi. Thank you for your response, it confirms I understood right. Well, I just wanted to add my opinion, especially on the 3rd point. I'm sure you'll proceed in the right direction. Keep up the good work!

tpgxyz commented 2 years ago

@bogdro Sure no problem, nevertheless if you see any possible issues feel free to share with us.