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OpenMandriva Lx is an exciting free Desktop Operating System that aims to cater to and interest first time and advanced users alike. It has the breadth and depth of an advanced system but is designed to be simple and straightforward in use.
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Omni Issue Tracker for OMLx Rock/5.0 LXQt desktop #2952

Closed benbullard79 closed 7 months ago

benbullard79 commented 10 months ago

OpenMandriva version: All with LXQt desktop

Describe the bug: Omni Tracker bug report to track issues and enhancements for OMLx LXQt desktop.

Steps to reproduce: Install your preferred version of LXQt ISO and test. Report and help resolve issues. Suggest enhancements.

Observed behavior: Write your observed behavior about any issue or enhancement in a post and include OMLx version, ISO build ID number, and any relevant logs.

Expected behavior: A well working but minimal desktop.

Additional comment: Reports should include:

  1. What you are testing on: What version of OMLx, please include the Build ID number of the iso you used. Is this the iso 'Live' or an installed system, is this on hardware or in VirtualBox or other VM?

  2. Detailed description. This does not have to be long but there needs to be enough for someone to work with. This is a work project.

  3. Any and all relevant logs and screen-shots. It would be wise to include the entire journal log with any report or post.

  4. If you do not know how to do any of this please ask here and we will walk you through this.

  5. Any terminal output longer than about 20-30 lines can be put in a .txt file and attached to your report.

Developers can not fix "it's broke" they need a cause or otherwise something to work on. That is what the screen-shots and especially the logs are for.

Logs and screenshots if relevant Please do include logs and screenshots as much as possible.

benbullard79 commented 10 months ago

This was a test on Vivobook ASUSLaptop M1605YA installed from Rock/5.0 znver1 LXQt iso.

  1. notepadqq crashes
    $ notepadqq
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    [live@omv-2840 ~]$ journalctl | grep notepadqq
    Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal', 'wheel' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
    Jan 11 01:47:31 omv-2840 systemd-coredump[1920]: Process 1774 (notepadqq-bin) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                 #1  0x0000563f4c7670d1 _ZNK15EditorTabWidget7tabTextEi (notepadqq-bin + 0x15a0d1)
                                                 #2  0x0000563f4c7cd298 _ZN8Sessions11saveSessionEP9DocEngineP18TopEditorContainer7QStringS4_ (notepadqq-bin + 0x1c0298)
                                                 #3  0x0000563f4c7dee76 _ZN13BackupService11writeBackupEP10MainWindow (notepadqq-bin + 0x1d1e76)
                                                 #4  0x0000563f4c7dd729 _ZN13BackupService13executeBackupEv (notepadqq-bin + 0x1d0729)
                                                 #19 0x0000563f4c714b47 main (notepadqq-bin + 0x107b47)
                                                 #22 0x0000563f4c7100f1 _start (notepadqq-bin + 0x1030f1)
    Jan 11 01:48:50 omv-2840 systemd-coredump[3939]: Process 1958 (notepadqq-bin) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                 #1  0x000055c827f320d1 _ZNK15EditorTabWidget7tabTextEi (notepadqq-bin + 0x15a0d1)
                                                 #2  0x000055c827f98298 _ZN8Sessions11saveSessionEP9DocEngineP18TopEditorContainer7QStringS4_ (notepadqq-bin + 0x1c0298)
                                                 #3  0x000055c827fa9e76 _ZN13BackupService11writeBackupEP10MainWindow (notepadqq-bin + 0x1d1e76)
                                                 #4  0x000055c827fa8729 _ZN13BackupService13executeBackupEv (notepadqq-bin + 0x1d0729)
                                                 #19 0x000055c827edfb47 main (notepadqq-bin + 0x107b47)
                                                 #22 0x000055c827edb0f1 _start (notepadqq-bin + 0x1030f1)
2. `rosa-imagewriter` does not start


3.  `om-repo-picker` aka: Software Repository Selector does not ask for password or change the repos.

4.  Update Configuration utility does not ask for password or change the configuration.

This is the entire journal log:

omakuta commented 10 months ago

This issue has been mentioned on OpenMandriva forum. There might be relevant details there:

benbullard79 commented 7 months ago

Closing, lack of interest.