OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers / installScript

script that installs omv-extras and openmediavault if not installed already.
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OMV on armbian s905x3 SoC installation and DNS issue #107

Closed AlexBokhankovich closed 2 years ago

AlexBokhankovich commented 2 years ago

I've installed OMV on my s905x3 box. It is running Armbian 22.11.0-trunk Bullseye with Linux 5.15.68-flippy-76+o. Closer to the end of installation I have faced with a lot of errors. The first one is related to systemd-timesyncd.service: Failed to stop systemd-timesyncd.service: Unit systemd-timesyncd.service not loaded. The rest ones are in log

OMV install.log

After installation is finished, I got Error applying network changes. Skipping reboot! message.

I run netplan apply and see detailed errors. It couldn't handle /etc/netplan/20-openmediavault-sit0.yaml and /etc/netplan/20-openmediavault-ip6tnl0.yaml files since there were syntax error. IDeleted both files and run netplan apply again and it was fine. I rebooted the box and try to install flashmemory plugin, that failed during OMV install, In red toast message I see installer can not resolve github hostname. I trien to ping and it fails too. I tried to delete network settings from OMV and set up it from scratch also set up DNS servers but nothing helped. I tried running dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf with no succes also.

What can I try to resolve this? Why timedatectl fails with Failed to query server: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.timedate1': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)

ryecoaaron commented 2 years ago

The changes you made to the system before running the install script caused these problems. The first problem I see is a conflicting docker repo setup. This is more of a warning. The second is your tunnel setup. The install script tries not to include every network adapter that shouldn't have a netplan setup but it is hard to have an all-inclusive regex to catch them. It missed your sit0 and ip6tnl0 adapters. If you must have then, use the -n flag to skip networking. I highly recommend following the install guide before doing any setup on the system.

I will add sit and ip6 to the list of excludes in the install script.

AlexBokhankovich commented 2 years ago

I'll try on clean Armbian instance and let you know if it succeeds

AlexBokhankovich commented 2 years ago

This is log from my last install on clean armbian. I installed using -n option but I see few failures in log thought.


[ERROR ] Command 'timedatectl' failed with return code: 1 [ERROR ] stderr: Failed to query server: Connection timed out [ERROR ] retcode: 1 Error running 'timezone.get_zone': timedatectl failed: Failed to query server: Connection timed out

and few issues while trying to connect via https if I understand correctly.

After OMV installed I tried to install docker via OMV extras and this process failed since handshake error. I treid after 2 hours and it installs properly, idk that could caused this.

I try to set up network via OMV and keep getting this error: '/etc/netplan/armbian-default.yaml:3:12: Error in network definition: unknown renderer '' renderer:' omv_network_setup.log

ryecoaaron commented 2 years ago

On a fresh install without all of those other adapters, you shouldn't need -n flag to skip networking. The script has also been changed to skip the adapters you did add.

timedatectl is failing because your network is blocking the default ntp server.

The handshake problem is not something I have seen before. Something temporarily wrong with the mirror your system was connecting to?

I don't know why Armbian is adding an incomplete yaml file to netplan but the script now removes it even if you skip networking. But you should not have to skip networking.