OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers / openmediavault-compose

openmediavault plugin for docker-compose
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Installation fails #5

Closed Jormono1 closed 1 year ago

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

I've been having this problem since yesterday, In that time, here are things I have tried to remedy the problem:

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

This isn’t a bug in the plugin. While saltstack is failing because your network is blocking github, the install is fine. I cant make the autocompose functionality dynamic based on your network allowing github access. importing examples also allows github access. Since omv-extras repos on github, you really should allow github access.

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

I just checked my router settings, I don't have anything setup to deny access to anything. And a lot of the installation process has pulled from github, I don't understand how that could be possible but is there any way I could test that?

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago



Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

This is the output: wget output.txt

Edit: I tried to apply the change on my OMV again after this and there is no change

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

Ok, how about:

wget wget

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

This is the new output wget output2.txt

I tried to apply again and still no change

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

It sure seems like one of your python libs is not right then. I don't know what the problem is.

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago


sudo rm -rfv /var/cache/salt/minion/extrn_files/base/ sudo omv-salt deploy run compose

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

that errored out, see attached wget output3.txt

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

weird. One more thing to try:

sudo /usr/bin/salt-call --local saltutil.clear_cache sudo omv-salt stage run prepare sudo omv-salt deploy run compose

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

Are you using a proxy? Your 599 error means this:

599 Network Connect Timeout Error HTTP response status code 599 Network Connect Timeout Error is an unofficial HTTP status code used by some proxies to indicate that there has been a HTTP Connection timeout behind the proxy to a HTTP client in front of the proxy.

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

Errored on the last command again. And no proxy. I'm not sure I even know what that is. wget output4.txt

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

I don't know what else to say. I hate to change code because one system is having a weird network issue. I will have to think about it.

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

do you think its an issue with my local network? I had some DNS issues when I setup home assistant (I have no idea what I did to fix it, it sort of just started working at some point, most of the changes were on the server side but I did change the DNS server settings on my router). I seem to remember that particular issue being a "not uncommon" problem, there were guides to resolving it and everything.

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

Hard to say but it doesn't seem like since wget works.

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

could maybe my ISP be doing something along the lines of a proxy server and I just dont know about it? I just did some googling on the subject and I've certainly not setup something like that but I'm on a small locally operated fiber network.

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

Possibly but I would think it would cause the same issues for wget. I don't know what the saltsack file.managed code is doing. I found this issue on the saltstack github issues. I suggests removing a bit more than I had you do but I didn't want to suggest that because I don't know what it could do. If you want to try the following, I would curious if it works but it might cause major issues.

sudo rm -rf /var/cache/salt/minion sudo /usr/bin/salt-call --local saltutil.clear_cache sudo omv-salt stage run prepare sudo omv-salt deploy run compose

Otherwise, I might just include the autocompose file with the plugin and remove the download altogether. There aren't many updates anyway.

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

Doesn't appear to have done any damage, looks just like the last one. wget output5.txt

ryecoaaron commented 1 year ago

6.7.11 is in the repo. It doesn't download autocompose anymore.

Jormono1 commented 1 year ago

That appears to have worked, thanks so much!