OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers / openmediavault-zfs

OpenMediaVault plugin for zfs
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Object deletion does not work properly on NVMe drives when using by-id dev alias #50

Closed mdziekon closed 6 years ago

mdziekon commented 6 years ago

Tested using:

It appears that the OMV-ZFS plugin does not properly support NVMe drives when deleting objects from pools created on these drives when using "by-id" dev aliasing. By analysing how OMVModuleZFSZpool::getDevDisks works, it appears that anything that uses this method (currently, limited to object deletion) won't work properly with these drives, because of a wrong assumption (that drives exist only as /dev/sdXY devices, where X is the drives letter and Y is its partition).

Consider the following scenario:

  1. Create a zpool using an NVMe drive (a basic pool is fine for this demonstration) and "by-id" aliasing
  2. The pool is created properly, no problems here
  3. Try to delete the pool
  4. When deleting, an error occurs with this message:

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C; zpool labelclear /dev/nvme0n11 2>&1' with exit code '1': failed to open /dev/nvme0n11: No such file or directory

As you can see above, plugin is trying to clear the label on /dev/nvme0n11 device, which does not exist (because that not how Linux creates NVMe drives' entries, so far I've seen something like this when dealing with partitions: /dev/nvme0n1p1). The extraneous 1 at the end is appended by OMVModuleZFSZpool::getDevDisks, which appears to do that either when dealing with "by-id" aliases or "by-path" aliases.

To be fair, it appears that this is not entirely plugins fault, as I've been able to find a similar problem in zfsOnLinux's repo here: - looks like pool creation does not properly partition CCISS (and NVMe as reported at the end) drives.

However, even if this issue gets eventually fixed, plugin's ::getDevDisks method is still wrong - it should use nvme<disk_no>p<partition_number> scheme for NVMe drives, not the sd<disk_letter><partition_number> that occurs with regular SATA drives.

This problem (in conjunction with very limited "by-id" regexp capabilities) will also occur when using zpools on encrypted drives (eg. using LUKS).