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Allow to modify karma using training points #1074

Open jfaubert087 opened 9 years ago

jfaubert087 commented 9 years ago

Allow to modify karma using training points. (Enhancement)

Daenks commented 9 years ago

Interesting idea. Care to provide some justification?

jfaubert087 commented 9 years ago

I'd say if you modify karma, and your current <30 then it will take 3 training points per every 5 karma. If you modify karma, and your current >30 then it will take 5 training points per every 5 karma. That doesn't matter whatever karma is plus or minus direction.

Sounds good for those who fuck up their karma on chars, and they get watched in safe place. So they can't get out of safe place, they like get blocked inside because of karma.

Daenks commented 9 years ago

Thanks, sounds both doable and practical. We'd probably need to limit it to use in safe spots. Cant have someone learning both qor/shal and karma switching mid-battle.

jfaubert087 commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to learn both Qor and Shal'ille?

Daenks commented 9 years ago

Yes, it is.

Discussing this with the team; there is a general consensus that Training Points are too powerful as they are, and we don't want to make them do more at this time.

I still like the idea of having a way to repair karma from safety, but I think we need to find a different way to do it. A token or a potion or some way to "bank" karma points to "apply" later. Open to ideas on the how of it.

jfaubert087 commented 9 years ago

Allow 'distill' spell to make potions of karma increasement/decreasement. That's way will let peoples make more Jala mules, or Jala bards will receive some tips for doing job. Also, I'd say it should depend on Jala bard's 'distil' %s. If 'distill' %s are low then it will increase/decrease 10 karma with one potion, and if %s are high (i'd say over than 50) then it will increase/decrease 30 karma with one potion.