OpenMeridian / Meridian59

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
141 stars 74 forks source link

Bind monster stat points between 20 and 100, fix target handling in Ring of Flames, fix client crash with colored orc shield. Misc fixes. #1366

Closed skittles1 closed 8 years ago

skittles1 commented 8 years ago

Bugfix PR. Everything here is live on 105.

Commit 1

Monster stat point allocation must use values lower than 100 otherwise the math does not work and stats are incorrectly set. This can occur for difficulty 10 mobs.

Commit 2

Ring of Flames now correctly handles casting on self, and cast messages are correctly displayed when casting on others.

Commit 3

Orc shield color translation was being sent after animation/group data instead of before. Shield handles this correctly.

Commit 4

Fix CountMonsters call in RatInvasion - should be called on the event room, with mob class.

Commit 5

Treasure generation should not call SpellItemIsAccessible on every replacement item for an inaccessible SpellItem, so check class of replacement item first.

Commit 6

Fix mismatched player default nose/mouth resources.Affected players which were not yet created ( slots) which could be used for statues in Hall of Forgotten Heroes. Run "send c player FixDefaultResources" after updating with this commit to fix the issue.

Commit 7

Fix eavesdrop yell list handling. Yell list checks were using room number and room object interchangeably. Caused errors when used in some rooms.