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The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
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Champion & Legendary mobs #1376

Closed GarOfMeridian closed 8 years ago

GarOfMeridian commented 8 years ago

Almost any mob has a chance to spawn with special attributes and rewards. Rewards scale up with difficulty (the first three are all equal, indomitable is more, and legendary is way more).

1 in 50: Tough = blue aura, extra health, 33% more defense. 1 in 50: Swift = orange aura, much faster. 1 in 50: Deadly = red aura, more damage, 33% more offense. 1 in 200: Indomitable = green aura, extra health, much faster, more damage, +33% offense and defense. 1 in 10,000: Legendary = gold aura, tremendous health, very fast, huge damage, +50% offense and defense. (probably not beatable alone, like... ever. Even a Legendary Giant Rat would be a tremendous threat.)

Mobs lose these attributes if they change owners, have no owner, or enter a room that disables these effects. In other words, no shenanigans.

Mobs can be identified in text (I.e. Your hammer crushes the tough tusked skeleton.) and/or by their glowing aura (hardware and ogre only).

Admins can give mobs these statuses by sending GainChampionStatus, iType = 1 through 5 (in the order listed above)

Champion status is separate and multiplicative with Survival level and natural mob level. For example, if you were to reach survival level 50 and a Legendary Shadowbeast were to spawn, you would be crushed into a fine pulp. However, it's possible to turn off champion statuses for places like survival arenas.

Champion Abilities

Champions also choose from a pool of special abilities.

Lowest tier champions get 1 ability. Indomitable gets 2. Legendary gets 3. The abilities, if chosen more than once, can stack.

Champion Rewards

Ah, the part you care about, right? Champions will tie into new loot systems.

Lowest tier champions will drop 1 special drop with a +1 power bonus.

Indomitable will drop 3 special drops with a +3 power bonus.

Legendary will drop 10 (!) for each player that deals enough damage to count as participating (!!!!!). Each of these drops will have a +10 power bonus. I can't stress enough how much of an 'event' you are going to have to make out of this if you run across one. This is a "guild come kill this thing" kind of mob. You're also not going to be able to abuse this by having mules or alts strike the mob - without safespots, any character you leave unattended is going to flat out die.

These drops all scale with monster level, so yeah, a legendary giant rat is not going to be the end of all life, but it won't drop godly loot, either. Low-level legendaries will be for noobs and builders to fight for fun and profit.

Stay tuned on what all that loot talk means :)

Champions will also drop increased normal loot, and give large XP and TP bonuses. The ratio will be x3 for lowest tier, x10 for indomitable, and x100 for legendary. No, I'm not kidding. Kill a legendary daemon skeleton = probably gain a HP, couple hundred training points, and hundreds of bds / dafs / shils. It's 1 in 10,000, and it's incredibly deadly. basically a mini event.


Indomitable and Legendary champions send a text message through the screen when they arrive. Legendary's message is bold. If you're low and you see that message, just run. You'll thank me later.

All champion mobs ignore resets. You can't leave the screen and wish them away. This also means that you will, more than likely, run across Legendary mobs that other players spawned before being forced to abandon the area.


Mobs on screen will gather near and treat indomitable & legendary as master.