OpenMeridian / Meridian59

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
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log off penalty in an inn??? #1386

Open dimandra opened 7 years ago

dimandra commented 7 years ago

I got a log off penalty after I logged off in Cibilo Creek Inn in Cor Noth. Not amusing! Can you help and or fix it so it doesn't happen again. I'm afraid to log off now.

From: Your guardian angel To: Aubretia Subject: Penalties for logging off in an unsafe area Date: Sat Feb 11, 2017 23:05

You have suffered some penalties for logging off in an unsafe area: You lost 1 items, 2 spell points, and 2 skill points.

In the future, it would be wise to log off in a safe area such as an inn, an adventurer's hall, or the interior of your guild's hall.

Abandoning your body in an unsafe area weakens it, which may cause you to suffer some of the effects of death: you could lose proficiency in spells and skills, as well as loosening your grip on items in your possession. You have an 8 minute grace period (3 minutes for murderers) after logoff before penalties are incurred, so if you lose your connection involuntarily, simply reconnect within 8 minutes and your character will be fine. You can also use the Phase spell to simulate the effects of logging off while remaining in-game, but if you do not Phase back to reality after the grace period, you will take penalties as if you had logged off unsafely.

I recommend you do not use this as a tactic to avoid danger, since it could work against you should your connection to the Meridian become too unstable soon after.

-- Your guardian angel

GarAdminTools commented 7 years ago

When you take a penalty, it currently sends you back to the last safe zone you were at. I'm guessing you logged off randomly elsewhere and got a pen and then it sent you to the inn.