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Touch spells diversity #260

Open m59mizt opened 10 years ago

m59mizt commented 10 years ago

Just thought I would share my I idea for the touch or splash spells to add abit of diversity. Zap or shock - reduces resistances a little icy or frost - slows the target TOF or BOF - adds a small dot damage to target.

I feel small changes like this to spells would bring in a whole new level for pvp not just holding your finger on ctrl, selecting the right spells for the right situation.

The reason I picked touch spells is because faren gets lumbered with the same abilities with the same effects the only difference is there elements.

Would also be nice to maybe see additional effects added to fire ball and lightningbolt.

example - you start a fight with lightning bolt to reduce resistance then fireball to add a dot and close the cap with a slow from frost blast.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Sounds interesting. Also what about mana focus idea? I remember there was an idea to make MF stay with you even while you run and cast other spells (with a chance to lose focus, but not big chance - like 5-10% to lose it per each action) That will solve bolts and splash damage amounts, cause now TOF with 2 jofs makes a lot more than blast of fire, etc. Same with bolts. Fireball 99 doing 8 damage is just weak, and 10 damage from LB without MF seems to be weak for such regs and mana too.

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

Part of my work-in-progress combat revamp allows touch spells to have procs. Zap procs purge, ToF procs blind, Icy Fingers procs Hold, Holy Touch procs a self heal and Acid Touch procs poison.

If you want to check it out, pull my master.

m59mizt commented 10 years ago

I like the holy touch and acid idea I feel the blind hold and purge is a little overpowered and it would have to be a random chance which wouldn't take much thinking about I do feel my ideas give a little bit more situational playstyle and wouldn't be based on a random proc chance........

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

Well, it's really an exact copy of what weapons currently do. Weapons have a 15% chance to proc blind, hold or purge, so do the spells. I wouldn't mind getting rid of the current proc system either though. The less random, the better. A hold weapon/ icy fingers touch attack could add counters with every hit and proc the hold once you have hit the enemy a certain amount of times for example. Holy touch could have a flat heal of 5 or so per hit etc.

ghost commented 10 years ago

That sounds interesing, i like the ideas. Does anyone have a diagram or written layout of where all the code is for this game?

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

All the game mechanics can be found in the kod folder.

Inside, you will find an the folders include, util and object. Include contains blakston.khd, that contains all the global constants, such as spell, skill and room IDs, while util contains system.kod, where every object that you want to use in the game needs to be registered.

The object folder is where it gets interesting. It contains active, passive and items as subfolders.

Active contains all the rooms, monsters and players, basically all objects that can hold other objects. A room can hold a player, which can hold a weapon, so the player is the owner of the weapon, while the room owns the player.

Items contains - items. These are again separated in active and passive items, but only passive items are of interest to us really. Passive items contains weapons, defmods, numbitems and a variety of others.

Passive contains all spells and skills.

Hope that helps.