OpenMeridian / Meridian59

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
141 stars 74 forks source link

Rescue #306

Open M59Jekyll opened 10 years ago

M59Jekyll commented 10 years ago

Just been informed that rescue has a timer now because pkers were using it.

how does a change like this ever get in, surely it's better that the person getting pked can rescue as oppose the guy that has alrdy or is trying killed someone.

If a pker has rescue i for one would prefer a shally pker chasing me than a qor with a 8 sec hold because i'm not buffed well build.

Kopfz commented 10 years ago

Rescue pots make it pretty ridiculously easy for pkers to avoid being trapped. Just jump into any number of safe rooms, wait 10 minutes, use rescue pot (unguilded), safe. Same with elusion or death rift. Just wait the timer out (no matter what it is) safe.

Should have really required entering an inn/adv hall to remove the lock out.