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The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
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Temporary Angel after death via PvP #307

Closed Phex1 closed 10 years ago

Phex1 commented 10 years ago

If you get Killed from a Player, you get your Angel back for 2 Hours Playtime (Or more, or less). You can turn the Angel of, if you want to. Your Char will have all the same rights and restrictions as a normal angeld Player.

This should stop Chainkilling from Newbies, you can get your losses back without being worried to get killed another time.

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Good idea, +1

Seadr commented 10 years ago

+1 this is one of the best ideas yet to help noobs against PKs without restricting red vs. white PvPing in a ridiculous way. If we decide bewteen this and the NPC hunter change then I clearly support this one.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

This idea makes sense. Very fresh one. And btw, this idea is a wise come back to what we had before. Remember, when pkers had their penalty added for a sigle kill of innocent? So, if pker kills a newb or even 2 at the same day - all hunters needed is to catch him and pen for like 6 items, etc. Yes, you might say that pk driver might bring 2,3,4 more red toons, but how much time will it take for him to build so many? If he is pro builder - not much time, true, BUT - population will be always stable since ppl go on building toons. That flat pens idea is good vs toon trains which 103 DIDNT NOT REACH YET. SO if you ask me, what did demoralise hunters the most - is Gar's flat penalties. Me (Fike) was the first one who gave him my observation about that change at the same day when it was added. My hits were:

  1. You can hold 100 scrolls and dont care about pen. (YES, i was THE FIRST one who said that to dev team, even tho i was using that their mistake because Gar said he is changing it asap so you always drop the most expensive items from inventory. Instead that, now you can carry all sort of useless regs and light items and reach sick amount of 30 throwaway things at your inventory. I use do pen 1goblet of whine, 1 grape, etc. Would you want to hunt me? Doubt. IS that an exploit? NO, because thats THE DEV TEAM DESING MISTAKE and i've REPORTED about that at the first day.
  2. Back at the day 1 of flat pens ny words to Gar were: Hell, i can now go on killing people 24/7 if i wish, and noone will stop me, because 1-2 kills will give me WAY MORE compared to 2 items loss after a pen. So, the scenario is - you kill a white, convey all his loot to vaults and run careless to fight possible hunters who might (doubtfully) decide to punish you by inserting this line to their bio: "Penned Fike x5, thx for the herald." Gosh, i've looted like 5 heralds so far, and 3 roses. What Gar say on this my tip? He said "We WANT you to run around trying to kill people" Obvious mistake - he said that because i was outnumbered 1x10 at those times. Now, there is suggestion to CUT pker numbers to 2, so Hunters would have 2x10 outnumbers.

GAR, and all Dev team, THINK MORE. This your idea is AGAIN too tied to the RIGHT NOW situation, which will change when 15+ drivers finish their building (Matrix, Legacy, etc) and join your demoralised BBB team against us. ALSO, dont forget that one side can accidentely have 2x times better skilled drivers. Would you ask to cut half of my fingers to stop me being 2x faster than 90% of Hunters?

Excuse me for this emotional post, was long time i've didnt comment anything. I VOTE for this Phex's idea. and even suggest you to rise this temporary angel up to 6 hours, so REAL newbs could build. Yes, sneaky ppl will just kill themselves by mule pker without holding any loot, and go build their toon freely for 6 hours. I say - let them do so. Weak people deserve their soft chair and warm place. Decent drivers with skills and bigger balls wont use that angel trick and will gain respect.

M59Gar commented 10 years ago

Kill myself with a red mule

build in peace?

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Read above. "Yes, sneaky ppl will just kill themselves by mule pker without holding any loot, and go build their toon freely for 6 hours. I say - let them do so. Weak people deserve their soft chair and warm place. Decent drivers with skills and bigger balls wont use that angel trick and will gain respect."

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Dont you try to protect those who BUILD? - there you go, build in peace. So, if you are coward, the whole server will see your toon ### once per day by your own mule pker. At the same time REAL newbs DONT have mule pkers to use.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Now were thinking.. good idea

Sapphia commented 10 years ago

-1 nice idea, but not a alternative for ideas to prevent 4 and more reds rushing one player, and 9 and more pker permanently camping all building spots, if you get logged all 10 minutes no angel will help: you cant play anymore and better clean your kitchen and bot rest of week, i cant understand why they want to dominate with 9 pker and why the pkerguild cant find an own solution like you and you and you pking monday, 3 other tuesday ....

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Sapphia, thats because pking is totally legal activity in M59, and always was. The only reason why everybody is so upset is that HUNTERS team is weak. Imagine, - hunters had 50 players constantly defending newbs, chasing pkers. WOULD you add this NPC hunter addition? I doubt. That means its not game's fault, or pker's fault that reds dominate. Its only because of existing ballance. Dont worry, that ballance is already broken. You wont see 80% of pkers on 103 any more.

Serpentiel-zz commented 10 years ago

lol sapphia. There arent 13 pks on 103 to do so. And there wasnt this much till now. PKs are part of the game from the beginning. And i remember times on Servers where it was realy worse with pk guilds. Even there People were able to build. The whole Ao3/SotH System was originaly designed on PK/Hunter combat at least... By the way, PKs are already in a disadvantage on 103.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

This is the only good idea about pkers. I dont see why dont you implement it and close this 1000 pkers danger cries already!?

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

There's a pull request for this, discussion can go there (temp angel still has bugs).