OpenMeridian / Meridian59

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
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Qor #347

Open RealShinra opened 10 years ago

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

Qor seems pretty useless to me with the change to blind. Didn't realize the real issue till I was PvPing yesterday.

I have come to grips with the fact that hold only lasts 1 second or not at all but with the change to blind you need hold to be somewhat effective or they are both pretty useless.

I had a pker Blind yesterday and then preceeded to try and hold him.. wasted half my mana on that while chasing him to get another blind in.. he meanwhile just kept circling fams waiting for blind to wear off because he could see where he was going. I got 1 hit in after using 130 mana on blind and hold.. No AMA was cast. Just PEs.

If his minimap had been blacked out at least i might have been able to hit him with arrows or a melee weapon if he had got stuck behind a building or in a corner but because he could see where he was going and my hold was totally ineffective it was a complete waste of time and regs. What is the point of having the school Qor if it comepletely decimated? I feel like ive wasted a month building a char that is useless in PVP and am very discouraged in my desire to keep playing.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Calm down please, hold your breath! I've said the same words when they pushed that new blind into 103. Their argument is - almost EVERYONE on 103 already use cheats which allow them to see through blind. SO, development team decided to make it equal. When i tried to argue, saying that i dont cheat, and dont know anyone of my friends who use cheats, they simply said that i lie.

Igorrrr commented 10 years ago

seeing the map through blind was a bug in the game which occurs with some graphic cards. Some of my friends could see the map while blinded - some not. No cheating...

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Never heard that awesome story. I thought that video card only affects main game window, but NEVER mini map. Well, who knows... The fact is, that qor bower is 3x weaker now than it used to be. If you try to shoot buffed PF in plate, jonas shield by your 50 aim neru arrows enchanted bow, KF, karahols up, you do 8 damage. While your target hides behind buildings and hold lasts 1 sec.

Daenks commented 10 years ago

@artiom1986 "When i tried to argue, saying that i dont cheat, and dont know anyone of my friends who use cheats, they simply said that i lie."

What? who said that you lied about not being a cheater? show me?

Phex1 commented 10 years ago

At least we have now a Level 5 Spell of Qor, who is inferior to the Level 4 Spell of ShaLill, even the Qorspell cost much more to cast.

Would be nice to give Blind a little boost, maybe disable parry on the blinded target or something.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

@Daenks What? who said that you lied about not being a cheater? show me?

It was ingame talks with some dev team members. Sad part - i dont save logs of all my conversations.

m59mizt commented 10 years ago

Blind can you make it slow movement speed so you can walk and not sprint that would be pretty cool :)

M59Jekyll commented 10 years ago

How can you even begin to compare Qor to shally. qor still has spells like Unholy Resolve lowering bow damage which shally doesn't Unholy Weapon which adds more damage than shally's Two touch spells to shally's zero Enfeeble which is very underrated Death rift which is pretty much fast travel to anywhere Invis which is a massive pvp tool if opponent doesn't have di + the small def bonus and on top of all that u still have hold blind and Gaze.

And a shally gets Hospice a nice heal but need to waste time targeting Dazzle same as your blind but can sometime still see your target. And the one which everyone will mention Purge which i personal don't like it's to random.

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

Unholy resolve will lower damage that has a holy spell component by up to 65%. Unholy weapon adds an unholy spell component to your weapon. Holy weapon and holy resolve do the exact same thing, just reversed. Both, unholy and holy weapon make your weapon no longer deal pure physical but mixed physical and spell damage. This means that you ignore half of your target's damage reduction from armor and that AoG lowers the initial damage you receive from an attack to 20 instead of 15. Both unholy and holy weapons have their damage reduced by resist magic by up to 40%.

In short, Shal'ille and Qor are exactly equal here.

Vampiric Drain is extremely feeble. It deals low damage and heals for half of that. You can't use it for real sustain, you can't use it for damage.

Qors have SoA, that's correct, so they can magically damage people while Shas can magically heal people for a larger armount and without a range limit of 4.

Death Rift - Yeah that's a true plus and was badly needed to allow for an alternative to Riija.

Invis - Invis rings are still superior in every way and still available to Shas.

Blind - Couldnt leave it as it was since it wasnt working as intended in a lot of cases. However, with the update, it is actually weaker than dazzle since dazzle is a lot less dependent on SP due to karma in a battle against a Qor. Especially for bowers, that's a huge factor.

Purge - Well, just purge.

Hold - Won't even last long enough to take an additional action but to rehold in most cases. A complete waste at this time.

At the end of the day, Qor is way weaker than Sha at the moment, but the change to blind had to happen. Death Rift is a first step to make Qor more viable, but other's will have to follow, such as giving blind some edge over dazzle, improving the usefulness of hold (high internal cooldown, better effect), revisiting spells like death link and gaze and giving VD some actual sustain potential.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

1 purge spell costs like 80% of whole qor school. 1 cast = like 5-7k of buff regs are gone on your opponent. Add there invis ring for a shall, good spellpower under AMA for purge, and you get decent usefull school, not worse than Qor, just different. The main difference is that Qor was always the school for locking people by strong and expensive spells like hold and blind, while shal was always good outside of cities, far away from safe spots, OR as a combo for qor teammate. What Shinra (and me) are trying to tell, is that you changed blind so drastically without adding anything to make it worthfull. Yes, you've possibly cut some cheaters benefits, but now you also cut everyone elses pvp experience. (i insist, that like 80-90% of people play it fair). Me, personally, got away from 2 qors today by Fike. All i needed to do is to run from one door to another by circles, waiting when blind wears off. I could never do that before, because one could find the door by memory, but could never hide behind fams, and watch, which way your enemy choses, and simply run to the opposite. I was lucky that noone of them was smart enough to chain hold-blind me, while other hits, but oh well, even then i manage to get safe from 3 people sometimes, because hold lasts 1-2 secs, and blind 5-6... If it is only 1 qor vs you, you can be totally sure that you will get safe when you need. (unless you face some smart and prepared qor who knows how to count 1 hold 1 hit 1 hold 1 hit and has at least 140 mana and 15+ damage thing, and luck to have 0 fizzles, and proper latency, etc etc).
Right now, qor bower is almost worthless toon. Bow does 6-10 damage vs prepared player, and blind means nothing, because that player can hide away from your sight. So, qor bower picks up scim and spams hold which is a joke too. (1 sec, since you cast it with scim)

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

As I said, we will definitely work on giving Qor its proper place again, don't worry about that.

And one more time for good measure: It doesn't matter if 90% of players play fair when you have 10% not playing fair. If only 10% of all people are psychotic serial killers, I'll still have to withhold guns from the entire population if I can't keep them out of the hands of the psychos. Currently, changing blind the way it was changed was the only way to take a tool away from the cheaters, even if they are vastly outnumbered by the fair players. A single cheater is enough to make the entire game feel like shit if he holds an advantage over you that you can't overcome when playing by the rules.

Once the playing field has been leveled and all spells are working the same for all people, we can work on fleshing Qor out some more again, this time in a way that can't be abused by cheaters.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Very good intention, Morbus, but at the same time people are already disappointed. Wasted time on building qor toons which are weak right NOW. I know, you are doing your great job, although, some situations require faster reaction than others. Just a simple slight increase of duration for blind or hold (like 20-25%) would actually inspire players who spent 1,5 mils on qor, you know.
Today on 103 there is actually only one toon which people are building actively and dont regret not even a minute. Which?. Purefighter. Personally me, i saw like 3-4 new drivers who are building PFs all at once atm. Its fast, cheap, the easiest to manage in PVP, and the most damaging with that new WC calculation. All you need is to get hold weapon, cast ama, target the guy and press attack button, heal yourself when you feel bad. What would you do against that if you are "simple" qor bower who spent 3x more time building it? If you try melee PF you lose because of lower agility, or hps, or melee damage. And the only one your advantage (qor = +20 int, 30 myst, 1-1,5 millions) is now a joke. PFs were always tanks which were hard to lock by qors, true, but now its totally impossible. I tested that vs Rigden, and there is just NO chance for me to log him by qor if he is doing very simple actions. EVEN without AMA, lol.
If you are interested, or lazy to test it out, i will describe, hoping that its usefull. PF = 150hp (6wc 6kra 50 agi), fully buffed, AOG 70%, Jonas shield, neru armour, some resist rings just in case. QOR bower = 140hp, 50 aim, 99 fire 99 archery, kraanan enchanted bow, neru arrows, KF up, Karahols curse up. 130 mana.
PF runs without zoning, just tries to keep distance, or hide behind map loops, etc. Qor follows, keeps him blind, shoots arrows. Blind lasts like 5-7 secs, random, bow does 9 damage (YES!) average.
After 10 blinds, summary damage done is like 15 arrows x 9 = 135 (cause PF avoids A LOT, like 45% as you know), this whole thing lasts like a minute, so PF regens like 30 hps while that. Result = the sharpest damaging qor bower is out of mana, PF is 50 hps. NO ama, NO healing wands, just simple OP plate+JOnas shield + see map through blind which helps to chose the way to get covered, or to push unnecessary 2 seconds hold.

On 101 SAME qor bower is doing somewhat close to 20 damage with KF and karahols, while PF cant run a rabbit so easily cause he doesnt see map blided (YES, HE DOESNT, cause when he does its TOO obvious and can be easily noted, and never again you play vs that cheater on his terms).

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

No I totally see your point and PF dominance has always been somewhat of an issue. I'm personally staying out of PvP balance as much as I can since I can't claim to have the level of experience of some of the veterans, but I absolutely agree there.

By the way, nothing keeps you from doing pull requests yourself, mate. Adjusting something like blind duration is exceptionally easy in the code. Simply submit the pull request and theres a good chance it will make it in, at least for testing if nothing else.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Yea, i know i could spend some time and learn how to code such easy things, but honestly, i prefere to stay away from it atm. There are so many of you coding already. And its even better for you, because ATM i dont have a clue how easy it could possibly be, so you gain a lot more respect in my eyes as dev team while the mystery of coding is covered from my brain. I am commenting your work from my point of view, which you can ignore, or accept and spend 5 mins as a pro to code something what seemd to be reasonable for you after you read my pages.

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

Hehe, no worries, even though it is very, very easy to change a few numbers to adjust the duration of blind or hold, there is still quite a bit of skill and brainpower involved in rewriting entire sub systems of the game in a more elegant, flexible, stable, consistent and expandable way, as some of us have done. Take Gar's radius enchantments for example, or the revisited spell system that I'm almost finished with, that basically allows Meridian spells to be cast in a similar fashion to modern RPGs and that makes spells with a cast time actually viable in combat again.

Since I really prefer to focus on this kind of stuff that enhances Meridian long term, it would be super awesome if more of the players would chime in with the easy bits of code, such as adjusting PvP spell power. Everyone can then try those changes on 104, and if they seem good enough, or at least not a step backwards, they will make it in. I guarantee, you will only have more respect for our work if you get to know the code a bit. :)

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

I think blind is probably fine where it is, and perhaps dazzle is a little overpowered at the moment. I'd like to see the schools balanced by giving more power/utility to Qor and lowering the amount of buffs purge can remove per cast. Qor has gained a bit of power this patch with minions (people need to start using these in PvP) and I believe there was an idea to make Karahol's not hold after it wears off (instead, giving 20% increased damage taken while up). It'd be good if people could suggest ideas for individual spell reworks.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Minions? Whats that?

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

If you animate corpses, the resulting monster will follow you and help defend you if you are attacked/attack others. There should be a max of 2 minions allowed per caster, but they are quite useful.

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

Blind is fine?? Qor is fine?? Is that a joke? The solution is making other schools weaker or other spells in Qor better. There is a reason blind is level five and takes -50 karma, expensive regs and lots of mana. Because its suppose to be a powerful attack spell. What the hell is the point of spending 1.5 mil and a month of building or a spell that last 5 seconds and doesn't do anything??

I was PVPing two PFs again last night and was reduced to holding down F1 (hold) while 2 others attacked. Didnt even bother with blind because they could just run in circles around familiars. No time or mana to even get a hit in. What a joke lol. 2 red PFs can take out 4 max Qors

How does that make any sense??

Minions? A daemon skell would hit a PF for 3.. How is that any help??

Phex1 commented 10 years ago

The Problem is, what you describe happes with full buffed targets, If you have no buffs, blind and hold are pretty strong. Last time i fought vs damp and fike i get purged and blinded like forever.

So, if you buff this spells you make them overpowerded vs targets without buffs. If you lower the effect of eagle eyes and free action you weaken kranaan. But maybe that is the way to go, with the longer buff durations you can expect to have eagle eye and free action always on in pvp, reduce the effect of this two spells, give free action a small bonus on agility like EE give on aim.

I personally like, when a fight is not over when you get the first blind/hold on you. I think this spells are the most difficult to balance right.

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Shinra, I said in my other post and I agree giving more power/utility to Qor is necessary (along with taking a good look at how purge works). The issue with blind is that its effect is not consistent among players due to client, graphics card yes even cheating problems. Our options were for only a select few to be able to see where they are going, or let everyone do it. Only one of those options is really viable so it was implemented and until blind is 100% handled server-side it needs to stay like it is now.

Minions were useful when we were testing this patch and it'd be really nice if a few people tried to use them in PvP to verify this.

There are plenty of useless/flawed spells we can take and make them powerful so that Qor is more than just one or two combat-preventing spells.

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

Think I'll sit down and fix purge.

M59Jekyll commented 10 years ago

Making Purge randomly dispel buffs wouldn't fix it. it would just make pvpin on a shally very random and unpredictable the better option would be to remove it and maybe buff the other spells like making hospice no focus and auto target bringing in a pvp heal or i know other servers have had a spell called hevenly strike which is basically a long range touch spell damage fireball with high mp cost. Nerfing purge is only going to put shally into qor state making shally bows how qor bows are atm.

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

I agree. Purge is fine. Making shal weaker isn't helping anything.

Who are these cheaters you are talking about? I look for PVP all day long and find maybe 1 fight all day long. There is no one around to pvp how are there cheaters?

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Discussing blind further is a waste of everyone's time. If you actually want to help improve things, discuss other spells.

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate all the work you guys put in. I don't understand any of it.

I thought this was where we expressed our feedback? Is that how this works? Just no and that's it? Lol

ghost commented 10 years ago

The blind nerf happened what, two months ago? I think its time to come up with a solution now that the server is maturing and pvp is increasingly becoming the primary reason why people bother to log in.

Ive been saying this for a while now, why not make it so when ur blinded your toon walks like u would with sub 10 vigor. Not saying this is a permanent solution but atleast it gives qor more of the locking down ability that it used to have. A toon walking around fams is not going to be nearly as broken as a toon running around fams.

Not sure what this talk of pure fighters being OP vs qor is. If a pf throws ama up and bows with plate and qor can easily respond with plate AND gaze + bow. If you didnt get gaze on your qor then that sucks 4 u. 5 intellect

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Shinra because blind has already been discussed, and it was decided to change it (note, I wasn't involved then, although I do agree). Ninja that's a pretty good idea, however it is another client-side cap so suffers from some of the same issues that blind was changed for initially. If we really want to address Qor power why not look at what we can do with the spells that aren't used a whole lot? This is what I mean when I say that focusing solely on blind won't help when our efforts would be more useful looking at other spells. Shinra please also note that your limited observation does not discount any scenario you haven't personally observed.

TL,DR? Blind is done, there are ~20 other spells we should be discussing.

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

I also like Ninjas idea.

My observation is only limited because of the lack of activity on the server that you are trying to save. And I only harp on blind because its change has effected other spells. Which in turn has made the school less desirable except for those who want to kill randomly.

M59Jekyll commented 10 years ago

I still stand by best idea for pvp will be delete blind purge ee and fa low damage of everything and work for there.

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

I really appreciate the response as well. Thanks

ghost commented 10 years ago

Personally, id like to see more cross school spells like sporeburst (faren/qor).

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Skittles, you should understand one thing about shally and qor in PVP. Qor = Blind+Hold Shally = Purge+Dazzle Thats all. Nothing esle matters actually. Those who want to be offenders, they chose qor (aka those, who dont like to run enemy inside instead of pening) Those who want to play more defensive, they chose shally, because pvp by shally is much easier than by qor. On shall you need to manage 1 good purge and 1 dazzle. After that, your victim will run inside in like 95% or times, to rebuff at least a couple of spells, and try it again. At the other hand, using qor leads you to MUCH longer battle and OF COURSE more efforts invested, by simple math - qor needs to do A LOT MORE succesfull actions to win battle. But the price is higher too - if you did well, your win = LOGED person, which worths A LOT MORE than that win which you get by shally toon (your enemy runs in).
Why am i saying that? Simple. IF you remain HOLD+BLIND same weak, you are destroying this whole ballance. Risks and efforts for QORs are TOO high compared to WIN which was supposed to be LOG (brought by proper qor actions, skill, etc) while NOW Qors CAN RARELY log anyone who is buffed. Just like shally. Qor now is a mule who can only chain hold and wait for another person to do damage to held guy. You can easily run inside VS qor, and jump out again FULLY buffed, you can ALMOST same easily run inside VS shally, but you are already behind, because are destroyed by purge. And i am afraid, that NO other spells in schools can actually change that CORE thing. What might be options? Reduce some something? - WRONG move, this game doesnt need to be reduced, it requires to have ADDITIONS. So, if you remove core spells like blind purge ee fa, you remove 50% of the game's sense. Ninjas idea is actually one of the bests (along with simple rise blinds and holds duration up - or just a little reduction of FA EE spellpower), but i think WALKING while blind is too strong addition, because you will be able to melee that target so easily (almost like held target). If only there was an average speed of movement between run and walk... OR how do you like that - Blinded person runs same speed, but CAN do it only forward or bacwards, so he can not turn left or right? If thats actually possible to code...

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Also, Deleruim, you are saying that its better to focus on OTHER spells in the school. I agree there, but you can do that AFTER you ballance effort\gained win on qor. THEN we can sit down and pick spells one by one from each school and see how can we refresh their usfulness. One from shally, then to ballance it by one from qor, etc. Step by step. Thats the only way how you can do it, because when you ate touching TOO much things at once, you have HIGH risk to make it only worse. SImple example - WHO list change. There was just NO explainable reason to change it, it was not broken at all.

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

You didn't read my posts at all artiom. I said multiple times Qor needs more power, but it has to come from spells OTHER THAN blind.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

And you didnt read MY post. You CANT replace blind's power by other spells. If you can, - throw me some suggestions. I scrolled all qor and shal spells and found nothing like that, to be honest. Add damage to offensive qors spells? - thats not a POWER. Make some buffs like karahols more usefull? - NOT power. 90% of qor are BLIND+HOLD. the rest spells are 10%. At least as i see it and as i used it last 15 years. Unless you can easily offer something certain...

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Here's a start #355 .

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

There you go. HOLD or BLIND fix. you got my point by accident OR wise research.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Maybe blinds at a good spot then for now since the development hours are probabl . It still prevents people from walking throuh doors.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Cell phone typo.
Since the developing hours are probabmy going to e high for vialble solution maybe leave blind as is for now. Damn client n server side issues. Still prevents walking thru doors.

Melee hits harder now. Reducing the delay by 50% after u cast hold could be a good start to make holding more of an effective tool when you are simultaneously playing the role off cc and dps. As it is now, in a group fight, ever since blind lost its compadibility 'same toon' with dps, qor toons are most effective playing a pure cc role on the kill target. In the 1v1 game, Hold + dps is still OK since scimitar hits so hard now but i think it could use a boost.

Im trying to think of very simple on and off switch type changes here that could be implemented TODAY that could serve as good temporary solutions just to keep the servers activity up

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

You can't make blind walking speed, because again: This is done client side. If a cheater doesn't want to run at walking speed, he can simply tell his client not to do so.

As for what I will change about purge: Purge will remove up to 25 points from the enchanted state of all current enchantments (the spellpower the enchantment was cast at). This means that 4 casts of a max power purge will remove a max power enchantment, and each cast makes it 25% weaker in its effect. At the same time, the mana cost of purge will be around 20, so to wipe someone entirely clean, you will need to spend around 80 mana, regardless of how many buffs that person has. This means that against 4 buffs with an average cost of 10, you will spend twice as much mana purging than your enemy will buffing. If he had 8 buffs, you will spend about the same amount of mana. However, if you try to purge a single essential spell that your enemy has recast, such as detect invis or resist poison, you will have to go through 80 mana and 4 casts to do so.

This makes purge very effective at bringing prebuffed targets down to size, but makes it practically useless to establish dominace by eliminating essential buffs.

As for hold and blind. These need a fixed duration that depends on SP entirely as well as an internal CD. Also, we need a system of diminishing returns. Max SP Blind: 10 sec fixed duration, reduced to 7.5 by max SP EE. Internal CD of 30 secs. Does not delay attacking or casting other spells. Max SP Hold: 6 sec fixe duration, reduced to 4.5 by max SP FA. Internal CD of 20 secs. Does not delay attacking or casting other spells. Max SP Dazzle: 8 sec fixed duration, reduced to 6 by max SP EE. Internal CD of 30 secs. Does not delay attacking or casting other spells.

To buff EE: Also increases aim by 20. To buff FA: Also increases agility by 20.

This means that a single Qor can take an enemy out of battle for at least 12 out of 30 seconds or 16 out of 30 against an unbuffed target, without spending part of that time waiting to recover from the post cast timer. This allows the Qor to actually spend his mana on other things instead of holding down the hold button.

Diminshing returns: Hold: If a player has suffered from a hold in the last 20 seconds, the next hold will be reduced to half duration. This resets the timer. The 4th hold will be zero duration. (WoW system). Blind/Dazzle: If a player has suffered from a blind/dazzle in the last 30 seconds, the next blind will be reduced to half duration. This resets the timer. The 4th blind/dazzle will be zero duration. (WoW system).

This makes sure that hold and blind have full effect in a 1v1, but reduces the impact of multiple drivers focus CCing a single target big time.

Now this, ladies and gentlemen, allows decent PvP to take place.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Thats a lot of thinking and calculation from you, Morbus. Great job. But. Do we actually NEED to make totally new system here? I mean such things require months or even years of testing. And personally me - i am not ready to look for totally new game scenarios... M59 is 20 years old game which has its own charm and ALMOST ballanced shal\qor and everything else screnario. There is simply NO NEED to change it like that. ONLY some tweaks for like 10-20% from one side or another. You took away map blind = -20% of the whole system (maybe even less), Qor now asks for 10-20% of power replacement from SIMPLE sources. Totall revamp (or totall remove of spells) - is not wise way i am afraid... Deleriums idea about somewhat removing random part from hold and little (20%) buff up of duration - thats what we are looking for. Same could be done to blind and dazzle, and implemented into 103 for some testing. Then, we might see some new weak sides, like boring algorythm of pvp (hold 2 hits, hold 2 hits) etc, but we wont deal with TOTALLY new pvp, you know.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Yeah start small n simple.

MorbusM59 commented 10 years ago

There is an essential need to do this, yeah. As I said before, with the current way purge works, this game is stripped of 80% of its gameplay. If we want to give this game back some depth so that PvP is actually interesting and challenging and not simply a game of numbers and server politics, there is no way around this.

There is no balance to speak of either. There are very few viable PvP strategies, all of which either involve blind and purge or simply stacking armor, resistances and tanking it out.

Let's put it in mathy terms: You can't steadily transform a sphere into a loop. It simply won't work. At some point you'll have to make that cut so that you can move on. Meridian's population is notorious for being scared witless about such cuts, even though they are badly needed and would be loved by everyone once made. Don't be so scared of positive change! If you don't like it, you can still have it reverted. But again: Spamming CCs needs to go and single button press buff wrecking needs to go as well if we want to have any sort of meaningful PvP in this game.

As for the time frame: This takes less than a day to code, and after one week of people playing with it, you will know if it works out for the server or not. In the worst case, a few people had to run in during PvP since they didn't manage to autowin the fight by being the first ones to purge + dazzle.

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Another Qor buff for consideration #356

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

I am just saying, that all attempts to change ballance so drastically - failed. Noone wanted to play Tarans server because of that. As for me, i'd rather just look for some way to ballance it within existing system, by simple actions like spellpower, cooldowns, range, etc.
Purge is annoying, yes, 1 cast at full spellpower and pvp is over if its 1vs1, same with AMA vs puremage, dement vs mage, etc. There are always some too OP things around, but you also always free to USE them, you know... When something gets too annoying it would be pointed out by the most active pvpers, and will be discussed as we discuss blind change now. As for purge - what if we try to discuss simple ways first?
There are first thoughts by 10 seconds of thinking:

And many many more simple things like which could be used for other spells IF needed and asked by community of PVPers.

M59Jekyll commented 10 years ago

Purge is lvl 5 same as blind with-in same cost per cost area mana etc ask yourself would you be happy to have any of •Range of purge (make it so you need to come closer to target to purge, so IF qor is tricky enough, he will never let you come closer than purge range and will try to lock you there and shoot arrows) •Cooldown for purge (something big, like 10 secs, or 15? 7? so shally wont be a purge mule at mass pvp, and will give purged target some time to rebuff if its 1vs1, dunno) •Low spellpower of purge, like by 30% so it wont be always ALL buffs poof, but some random. •Make it cost a lot more mana. •A lot more regs required when casted on target, less amount when casted on yourself (for building) (pick one)

Happen to blind.

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Ok I edited the blind duration, no more iDuration/2 in the duration code so blind times will be more predictable... however I set a max blind time of 12 seconds where it was 20 previously. #357

RealShinra commented 10 years ago

Sorry to keep beating a dead horse but what was wrong with the max duration before?

And if we changed blind to make people walk and someone can still run then it's obvious they are cheating unlike if they can still see. Pointing out cheaters would be easy

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

20 seconds was way too long. The problem with that is it creates player drama: there's been plenty of times in this game where players have been spotted blatantly cheating, however most people don't have a recorder constantly running while they play so when they broadcast/mail admins, the cheaters and friends just harass them in broadcasts and such. Daenks has enough to do without dealing with issues such as that, and possibly having to constantly watch certain people.