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Advice how to motivate coloured toons to PVP vs fully builts. #374

Open Fike103 opened 10 years ago

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

3 minutes penalty for reds only for 30 mins after a fresh kill. 8 minutes penalty when the kill happened more than 30 mins ago. Why? With 3 minutes penalty for coloured toons its almost no sense to PVP against white builts. Maximum you can do (as red) is to log white toon, and wait for 8 mins to pen him. This is enough amount of time for white to call for backup, OR bring another toon to continue PVP and eventually log red by more and more waves of toons. At the other side - when coloured toon gets logged, the PVP is over for everyone, because you can not bring your second toon or a backup so fast for more PVP around your ghost. So, red toon gets penned, and will think more before he goes out again to take such big risk in PVP. (When your toon is logged, you are always ready for a bigger risk trying to save it) I agree that random pkers should have more penalties, and shorter timer when they are on their killing path. (for 30 mins after kill). But you can not actually call some Red toon a pker, when his last victim was killed long ago. Especially now, when pardon costs 1 million, its obvious, that owners of red toons will never get pardon. All they can do is build another toon to participate in WHITE pvp when its avaliable (and its WAY harder to find pvp when you are white). Too huge amount of toons per driver is not good thing as we all know. So, this penalty kill flag of 30 mins will motivate reds to PVP more (when they feel like), which means whites will have more battles where they can kill red. At the same time, red can decide to go back to killing unprepared toons, and get punished by hunters and 3 mins penalty.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Not sure if i agree 100% with your solution but i do agree 100% about there being an issue here. Most of the pvp going on right now is most likely full builts whether you're red or white.

Personally im red because i like to see more halos on the map. Ive always disliked being surrounded by full built toons who i cant fight because the color of my skin. I mean name. Thats why i pulled an MJ and changed my color. Sure, i occasionally pk someone building, but thats rare.

Phex1 commented 10 years ago

I really like the shorter duration, but i can see, what you mean. In the actual situation, this is a pain in the ass for the remaining Pk'er, but with a whole guild back them up, it was the only change for us to pen some pk's outnumberd,

We can not change this timer every time, the balance on the server shift in one direction.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Yes. You are right about situation when whole guild of reds back themselves up. But the trouble is, that server politics will never let such guild exist.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Also, if that red guild exist, but DIDNT pk newbs, would you insist on them to have 3 mins ghosts? i mean if they only PVP builts, and VERY rarely pk nebs. Its possible to rise that PK flag timer up to 24 hours, so if red kills a newb, he will have 3 mins penalty in next 24 hours. If he wants to PVP builts, he will keep himself far away from killing newbs.
Dunno, just a suggestion, since some people accuse pkers in "no risk lovers", while they cant see that pkers are in some disadvantage in REAL pvp.

PKChrisChan commented 10 years ago

I'm not so sure about this only because of the nature of PKing, I always considered the situation to be a hit and run, solo pvp experience, Pkers kills someone, is on the run, fights the one white who finds him and finds safety. Built vs Built should be guild wars only. Something should be worth fighting over so that you would want to war against enemies. Right now its just a sense of pride. Infinity vs BBB(or whoever the current powerguild is). Being a red should entail more risk and there shouldn't be any back up. Or else its just whoever has the most allies wins pking.

I understand, where a good natured PK like yourself, is coming from wanting more pvp. What meridian lacks is that thing to fight over worth it enough for a guild to war another guild for. The hunter vs. red motivation(saving/killing the newbies) doesn't cut it. People just quit.

Daenks commented 10 years ago

I have some ideas on how to get guild wars started.

1) Make something unique about each guild hall. The larger/more expensive the hall the better the unique "thing". Unique "thing" could be an NPC that gives you a special buff, or a boost to imps in the hall, or an NPC that sells every reagent, or anything else we can dream up. This is to give a reason to fight over a currently held hall. 2) Make guild rent paid inside the hall, make guild rent cap out at a maximum of X days paid in advance. This is to force the door to be opened every so often. 3) Shut down X guildhalls based on the population of the server, so if there are 150 people on 24/7, all GHs available, if 20, only 1-3 available.This is to drive demand for halls up by lowing supply.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Good ideas about halls - but that will bring halo war close to 1 place always... Because why would you want to chase your enemies somewhere esle, if your aim is GH? You will just bring your whole guild to enemies guildhall and shatterlock it.
There should be something more to encourage ppl to PVP. As for now - being red is the only 100% way to organise PVP, because everyone can attack you, and you can attack everyone.
If ONLY you could split the random pking and PVP by red somehow, you will have many toons which are opened for instant pvp without WAR or shield difference. Whoever wants can come and shoot an arrow in a red toon, - because its the best option (maximum opened) to find pvp. For that GH war you need people, good team, - you wont go into that when you have 3 people ready to guild up. At the same time, 3 people who drive red toons, but DONT pk TOO often, - that small force will be sweet to pvp agains, i think. Also if you defend real newbs somehow (temporary angel) - that will force red toons to look for something else but killing same newb multiple times. Dont forget, that pkers are people too, and if you offer them something more fair than 3hunters vs1 pker 3 minutes ghost pvp, they might appear to accept that challange. Who knows for sure? Thats what i think.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

What if you organise the possibility of some guild of assasins - who are white, but can be attacked by anyone above 100hp, and they can also attack only those who are 100+hps while staying WHITE? With safety on, and being able to attack builders in brax, and other high HP areas. Those who want to pk newbs will stay red and gang graveyard. Those who want to PVP builts and get decent kills - will team up in that assasins guild and try to donimate in fair pvp without touching newbs between pvps.

ghost commented 10 years ago

The guildhall idea doesnt sound bad.l..promoting pvp through events or through 'control the land' like daenks is proposing is something m59 has always lacked. Pvp system has a lot of potential but it lacks incentive.

Guild wars are so inconsistent and ruled by peoples rl a query on how many times the germans logged me last night while i was hunting, i think 8 times in 5 hours because of time zone issues.

Shield pking has the same risk reward as rpk. I think the most effective route to find pvp now is to identify where people are going and cut them off and accurately anticipate the reaction/counter attack. Its kinda sad. Sitting there with mules in various "hotspots" like fams and anywhere in barl.

Instead of logging unuffed people with the intention that buffed people will come, i think itd be pretty neat to put in some very basic risk reward land control scenario and just see how the community reacts to it. After reviewing that, maybe make a pass at the guild idea thst daenks proposed.