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Change SHA of sub-module across all files #270

Open chinmayshah99 opened 4 years ago

chinmayshah99 commented 4 years ago


When we change the SHA version of Google's DP library, we need to change the hash to a bunch of files from pre-reqs to github actions. It has been noticed that sometimes we are missing some of these files.

It would be great if we could integrate this with either setup.cfg or maybe some bash script to update all the SHAs. On how to update this SHA, we are open to further ideas.

BenjaminDev commented 4 years ago

Alternative: Removing the "hard coded" submodule sha in all places and simply let git submodule do all the work. I'd be happy to track down all places we explicitly use the SHA and remove it and replace that workflow with the appropriate git and git submodule command.

If such a solution would be considered I'll happily put in a PR for comments.