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Refactor Project to Use the aries-cloudcontroller class #88

Open wip-abramson opened 3 years ago

wip-abramson commented 3 years ago


The aries-basic-controller library has now been extracted into it's own repo and is being developed under DIDx (@lohanspies ). The aim is to turn this into production ready library with a complete CI/CD pipeline and release strategy etc. Repo is here -

Currently the aries-basic-controller library still exists in PyDentity and all tutorials and projects are using this code as is. We should do a complete refactor of this, so all notebooks use the deployed package. This version should be fixed, as the aries-cloudcontroller is under active development and staying with the latest version could cause the tutorials to get out of sync.

It should be a relatively straightforward set of changes that will help tidy up the repo

morrieinmaas commented 3 years ago

I've addressed this here by adding the did-xyz repo as a subtree.

in order to pull new changes from there one has to

git subtree pull --prefix libs/aries-basic-controller main

it is also possible to push changes from here to the parent to a specific branch like so

git subtree push --prefix libs/aries-basic-controller the_branch


wip-abramson commented 3 years ago

Dam this is really cool thanks Mo!

Think we should also rename the folder to aries-cloudcontroller.

I also intend to go through all the notebook setups still and start to use the deployed pip package rather than local files for this.