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AppEng api: RequestCrafting() jobs not showing up in getJobList() #139

Closed brilliantjoe closed 10 years ago

brilliantjoe commented 10 years ago

When I submit a crafting job to an ME peripheral via a CC program, the job is added to the system properly, and completes, but jobs that require time to complete do not show up in the getJobList() table, nor do they appear in the ME crafting display as an in process crafting job.

I'm not sure if this is a deficiency in the implementation of the API on AppEngs part or on the OpenPeripheral side, but it bears looking into. I'm currently digging on both sides but haven't found anything.

kinnison commented 10 years ago

I've noticed this as well in the 1.0.21 Direwolf20 pack. (Well, the not showing up as an in-progress job on the crafting monitor)

kinnison commented 10 years ago

A quick glance in the source repo suggests line 41 of the grid tile integration where we call .craftingRequest(stack) could do with being .craftingRequest(stack, true, true) see the in the AppEng API. Of course, how portable this is, I don't know since I don't know the history of that file.

nevercast commented 10 years ago

Hello @kinnison Could you provide a solid link to the part of the API concerning this ?

theoriginalbit commented 10 years ago

@nevercast IGridInterface in AppEng API AdapterGridTileEntity in our code

nevercast commented 10 years ago

Thanks @theoriginalbit :)

KarelPeeters commented 10 years ago

Is this going to get fixed soon?

theoriginalbit commented 10 years ago

it will be fixed when its fixed @flaghacker

tortis commented 10 years ago

Did anyone determine if the bug is in this code base or in AppEng?

tortis commented 10 years ago

FYI, it seems that this bug was resolved here 21ba28e7f9c91c2b4134405d2854472126b6a3f9 I was just running an older version that still had it. I updated to the latest OpenPeripheral and the bug was gone.

theoriginalbit commented 10 years ago

well then resolved.