OpenMods / OpenPeripheral
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"Can't create peripheral for TE class..." #210

Closed AmadeoAlex closed 9 years ago

AmadeoAlex commented 9 years ago

Minecraft version: 1.7.10 Computercraft version: 1.65 OpenLib version: 0.6-snapshot-264 OpenPeripheral: Core: 0.5.0-snapshot-168 Addons: 0.2.0-snapshot-137 Integration: 0.1.0-snapshot-11 on FTB DW20 modpack.

Following error is printed to server's console whilst connecting TE Energy Cell or TE Powered Furnace(probably everything from TE?) to network (RMB on lan modem). Thing is, this only occurs on multiplayer(server and client run separately), doing so in singleplayer works just fine.

boq commented 9 years ago

Sideness bug on TE side, we have no way to fix it.

But after looking (not running, though) into recent version (ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.0.0B6-16.jar) I see that possible offender is already properly marked. Maybe updating can help?

EDIT: Nope, looks identical in previous version. It should be stripped, partially by Forge, partially by CoFHLib, but it isn't. Anyway, not our bug.

AmadeoAlex commented 9 years ago

Already running newest version unfortunately, so i suppose the only thing i can do is wait :\

but just curious, how it is that SSP works fine and SMP not?
boq commented 9 years ago

Some classes (like ISound) are provided in client binary only. There is method in TE class, that uses them and isn't properly removed.