Closed aidancrazywierd closed 9 years ago
This also seems to happen with Mekanism Paxels. Fence breaks but doesn't drop the fence. [all tiers]
Does this only happen with the tier 5 fence?
/edit: This seems to be wanted by @Poenjabiesous so that no one can get it back, because here we cannot validate if the player destroying it is the one who placed it. ???
All tiers for the Mekanism paxel issue.
all tiers with any pickaxe.
ALSO, can you maybe just make it so the person who places the fence can only break the fence, like you did with the turrets ? Or maybe poenjabiesous can just claim his land with factions or towny in servers if he doesnt want people taking his fences
Thats not possible with normal blocks. You cant really store information in it, and all blocks on the map are a singleton of the same block class. The only way to do this is to involve tile entities, and binding one to a block that will be used a lot, is a very bad idea performance wise.
hm, ok.
I will however check why they don't drop, that's not correct.
diamond pickaxe breaks obsidian tier 5 fence but the fence doesnt drop to be picked up again.