OpenNBS / OpenNoteBlockStudio

An open-source Minecraft music maker.
MIT License
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I want use #425

Closed say-annyeong closed 7 months ago

say-annyeong commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug action number 1

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. click to create a new song

Expected behavior load a song, generate song out of MIDI file

Screenshots 이미지_2023-10-01_074257155

Additional context uh...

Bentroen commented 7 months ago

Hi! Thanks for reporting the issue; sorry for the inconvenience. I happened to notice a lot of "Internal MIDI" devices in your screenshot. I believe they could be interfering in the startup since NBS may not know how to handle them. Could you try disabling the thing it's coming from? (I'd be interested in knowing what is it so I can try to replicate the issue).

Bentroen commented 7 months ago

Duplicate of #348