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`pack_format` outdated for both data packs and resource packs #429

Open imnotdream opened 8 months ago

imnotdream commented 8 months ago

I tried "1.13+", which in my case was 1.20.1, that didn't work, so i tried 1.13.2, and still it didn't work. btw, I'm trying both datapacks/resourse packs and the structure files. 1.20 said the data pack was too old, and 1.13 said too new. I would greatly appreciate some guidance.

Bentroen commented 7 months ago

Hi! Since the Minecraft data pack format has been increasing faster than we've been able to ship updates to NBS, sometimes they quickly become outdated. The last update increased the pack_format to 8 for both data packs + resource packs (compatible with Minecraft 1.18), but as of today, the latest pack_format is 26 for data packs and 22 for resource packs (whoa!) - see:

You should be able to load the pack without any issues, despite the warning. However, it's simple to fix: just open the ZIP file, look for pack.mcmeta, open it in your preferred plain text editor, and update the pack_format accordingly.

Structure files (.nbt) are compatible with 1.13+ and should work normally. What's the issue you've encountered with them?

imnotdream commented 7 months ago

Currently, I found 1.18 works without the error, however, despite putting the .nbt file in the proper folder, it says it's not available when I use a structure block, and if I try the data pack, and run the function, it says it does not exist.