OpenNBS / OpenNoteBlockStudio

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Piano color visualizer for different types of notes #446

Open CreeperPookie opened 3 months ago

CreeperPookie commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Although the highlighted yellow keys are very useful (when playing a song), it can become very hard to differentiate notes, especially if they share a nearby or identical key.

Describe the enhancement you'd like Since the piano can already support yellow tints (and blue when manually pressed), and since that when each instrument type has a unique color when placed, I suggest that the piano should display that instrument's color. This way, you can easily figure out what is being played and where and identify errors and mistakes

Additional context I know you're probably thinking you would just disable the visibility of certain instrument types in the settings, but even that can lead to issues, especially if an instrument is used for both precussion and the melody. This should probably be an settings option though (not on by default), as it definitely could be very distracting for anyone used to the classic yellow.

Bentroen commented 2 months ago
