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Uninstall mcfunction has Errors #454

Open scutoel opened 1 month ago

scutoel commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Error in tellraw uninstall command

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Generate a datapack
  2. Try and run function (not there)

Expected behavior tellraw @s ["",{"text":"[NBS] ","color":"gold","bold":true},{"text":"Data pack ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"lobby","color":"gold","underlined":true},{"text":" uninstalled successfully. You may now remove it from your data pack folder.","color":"yellow"}]

Current Command tellraw @s ["",{"text":"[NBS] ","color":"gold","bold":"true"},{"text":"Data pack ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"lobby","color":"gold","underlined":"true"},{"text":" uninstalled successfully. You may now remove it from your data pack folder.","color":"yellow"}]

Additional context Version 3.10.0

scutoel commented 1 month ago

"true" should just be true