OpenNMS / helm-charts

The objective of this project is to serve as a reference to implement OpenNMS running in Kubernetes, deployed via Helm.
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NMS-15822: Add support for etc configmaps that get copied to the overlay #39

Closed deejgregor closed 11 months ago

deejgregor commented 11 months ago

This is a PoC and is likely not yet complete, except for a basic, initial solution:

future possibilities

To test

# set your namespace first

mkdir etc
date > etc/testing-configmap
kubectl create configmap -n $instance $configmap --from-file=etc
kubectl get configmap -n $instance $configmap -o yaml
helm upgrade --reuse-values $instance . --set "core.overlayConfigMaps[0].name=$configmap" --set 'core.overlayConfigMaps[0].path=etc'

Output from the init container:

Processing overlay config maps ...
  Copying files from /opennms-overlay-configmaps/0 to /opt/opennms-overlay/ ...
    etc/testing-configmap c0f178d439e947ba9d62abb519fe56af


If the pod doesn't start, check events -- maybe the configmap name is wrong and can't be mounted:

kubectl events -n $instance

Remove the configmap before creating a new one:

kubectl delete configmap -n $instance $configmap

When you update the configmap, the pod will not automatically restart. You'll have to do that:

kubectl rollout restart -n $instance statefulset/onms-core


Binary content

$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=etc/random-file bs=1k count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1024 bytes transferred in 0.000158 secs (6481013 bytes/sec)
$ md5sum etc/random-file
ad428160a7518cd5893bd2a6c3b09938  etc/random-file

Updating the configmap and restarting the pod:

kubectl delete configmap -n $instance $configmap
kubectl create configmap -n $instance $configmap --from-file=etc
kubectl get configmap -n $instance $configmap -o yaml
kubectl rollout restart -n $instance statefulset/onms-core

Inside the container after updating the configmap and restarting the pod:

opennms@onms-core-0:~$ md5sum etc/random-file
ad428160a7518cd5893bd2a6c3b09938  etc/random-file

configmap with .zip file

Make a big file of zeros and add to a .zip file

mkdir -p zip/etc
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=5000 of=zip/etc/lots-of-zeros
md5sum zip/etc/lots-of-zeros
# output is: 56179b2937a6e956250ab491685a4efb  zip/etc/lots-of-zeros
( cd zip && zip -r -o ../ . )

Update the configmap and update the helm chart to unzip the configmap:

kubectl delete configmap -n $instance $configmap
kubectl create configmap -n $instance $configmap
kubectl get configmap -n $instance $configmap -o yaml
helm upgrade --reuse-values $instance . --set "core.overlayConfigMaps[0].name=$configmap" --set 'core.overlayConfigMaps[0].path=null' --set 'core.overlayConfigMaps[0].unzip=true'

Inside the container after updating the configmap and restarting the pod:

opennms@onms-core-0:~$ md5sum etc/lots-of-zeros
56179b2937a6e956250ab491685a4efb  etc/lots-of-zeros

Output from the init container:

Processing overlay config maps ...
  Extracting files from /opennms-overlay-configmaps/0-unzip/ to /opt/opennms-overlay/ ...
    Archive:  /opennms-overlay-configmaps/0-unzip/
      inflating: /opt/opennms-overlay/etc/lots-of-zeros