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Create Event in Community - ActivityService.createActivity ? #1737

Closed SiriSch closed 8 years ago

SiriSch commented 8 years ago

Hey Paul,

I am trying to create an event in a community. Request to url URLCENSORED/activities/service/atom2/activities returned an error response 400:Bad Request HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
 public static void test() throws ClientServicesException, ParseException {

    Activity anActivity = new Activity();
    anActivity.setTitle( "TEST" );
    anActivity.setCompleted( false );
    anActivity.setContent( "Interesting" );

    Date startDate = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S" ).parse( "2015-11-16 17:00:00.0" );
    Date endDate = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S" ).parse( "2015-12-31 23:00:00.0" );

    anActivity.setDuedate( endDate );
    anActivity.setCommunityUuid( "72d67a94..." );
    Variables.anActivityService.createActivity( anActivity );

but this of course does not work, because I can't find any property to set the start date.

Could you give me an example how to create an event in a community?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Sirius S.

prb112 commented 8 years ago

These are not equivalent APIs - IBM Connections Activities is not equivalent to IBM Connections Events. There is no coverage for Events. Please implement your own service based on the API -

prb112 commented 8 years ago

refer to

SiriSch commented 8 years ago

Hey and thanks,

I still have some problems with creating a community event.

I have got the following function now:

// Variables.baseURL is my URL
//calendarUuid is the calendarUuid I currently give as parameter (I have checked this before by using Google Chrome)
//Variables.anActivityService is an activity service (working properly), instantiatied like this:

    Variables.anActivityService = new ActivityService();
    Variables.anActivityService.setEndpoint( Variables.basicEndpoint );

public static boolean CreateCommunityEvent(String calendarUuid, String eventTitle, String eventContent) throws ClientServicesException, ParseException {

String serviceURL = Variables.baseURL + "/communities/calendar/atom/calendar/service?calendarUuid=" + calendarUuid;
HttpResponse res = Variables.anActivityService.retrieveData( serviceURL, null ).getResponse();
HttpEntity entity = res.getEntity();
String contentt = "";

try {
  contentt = EntityUtils.toString( entity );
catch (org.apache.http.ParseException | IOException e) {
  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println( contentt );

serviceURL = Variables.baseURL + "/communities/calendar/atom/calendar/event?calendarUuid=" + calendarUuid;

String content =
  "<entry xmlns:snx=\"\" (  xmlns:atom=\"\" (  xmlns=\"\"> ("
    + "<title type=\"text\">$TITLE</title>" + "<content type=\"html\"><p dir=\"ltr\">$CONTENT</p> </content>"
    + "<snx:imageUrl></snx:imageUrl>" + "<snx:location></snx:location>" + "<snx:allday>0</snx:allday>"
    + "<category scheme=\"\" (  term=\"event\"></category>"
    + "<snx:recurrence custom=\"yes\">" + "<snx:period>" + "<snx:startDate>2015-11-14T14:00:00-05:00</snx:startDate>"
    + "<snx:endDate>2015-12-14T15:00:00-05:00</snx:endDate>" + "</snx:period>"
    // + "<snx:daylight>2015-12-14T11:18:47-04:00/2015-12-14T10:18:47-05:00</snx:daylight>"
    + "</snx:recurrence>" + "</entry>";

content = content.replace( "$TITLE", eventTitle );
content = content.replace( "$CONTENT", eventContent );

return Variables.anActivityService.createData( serviceURL, null, content ).getResponse().getStatusLine()
  .getStatusCode() == 201;


Firstly, I get this error:

```java Attempted read from closed stream.
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(

On the other hand I get this error: Request to url https://OURHOST/communities/calendar/atom/calendar/event?calendarUuid=82fd37fd-4c24-4eb4-9a12-9050aa8a580d returned an error response 403:Forbidden HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden [Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:44:49 GMT, X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains, X-XSS-Protection: 1;mode=block, X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only, X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0, X-LConn-Auth: true, X-UA-Compatible: IE=9,8, Expires: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT, Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, Set-Cookie: LtpaToken2=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; Path=/; Domain=.OURHOST.COM, Set-Cookie: LtpaToken=UBqbMhDmRzgZDSBIi+om7+9QxmMrseGs8LMCqdBfLf6rmf+/HGLXLea6N/T9h3KnFmju1MUHcnzKoqsbGZ84w8gZiP/Bqg6jYH8vEtfOIWTl7uIgo6SLDXRWRFWleoct9bbX/W5WKBtCEKqmapz7eTcmGKbqPiRcUv85+B7p0QIygLDtSsF2itj+Z0TDMSrqmly4afRDh47Z1/Vy2Murlcn9BD7g5uwNUq4/rzmb1xsDnynNLY9WMX9vKd+EGCISobVqsnlkYOBv0+kbTga4ByNgAsZ9zhFD4eWtqgP2n+qijHcykFEF/CCrtgxv9BwIPnF+Ar8a8GnTyB+6H2d0soOm2BPLxnGM; Path=/; Domain=.OURHOST.COM, Set-Cookie: connect=de_de; Path=/; Domain=.OURHOST.COM, Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent, Content-Length: 0, Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100, Connection: Keep-Alive, Content-Language: de-DE]

What is wrong there?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


prb112 commented 8 years ago

you have a ton of junk in your xml. example - xmlns:snx=\"\" (

SiriSch commented 8 years ago

@prb112 I got this from your URL

Could you give me an example?