OpenNURBS / NURBSurfer

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question #4

Open joeblew99 opened 9 years ago

joeblew99 commented 9 years ago


this looks a very nice start on open nurbs.

just wondering if anything became of this ? i am really interested in working on this type of stuff

Tectract commented 8 years ago

Hi there. This is a C++11 implementation of NURBS that I started building as a little core functionality for a possible expansion out into openCL/CUDA and maybe Three.js / webGL GUI framework. I was teaching myself how to use smart pointers, and proper modern C++ memory management. It is tested with Valgrind and known to NOT leak memory, so far.

OpenNurbs is a base project that can be included in other git projects as a submodule. I was personally using it as a sublibrary for a project involving spatial modelling of bio-fractal geometries, such as branching vein / artery / capillary and nerve networks, or trees and plants. The roadmap here is to add basic surface NURBs functionality, maybe some object primitive functions like "make a cone" or "make a sphere", then move onto more advanced features like curve and surface offsetting and extrusion, filletting, tube-capping and joining, inner and outer tube surface layers / joining / capping, and visualization linkups.

Specifically, NURBSurfer was the linkup work I did to enable native OpenGL rendering of NURBS curves and sufaces. My goal here is to basically kickstart a FREE OPEN SOURCE CAD GUI for NURBS modelling. I ended up not getting very far but I would love to come back and revisit this, if I had some help or a little motivation.

I welcome any participation in terms or PRs or issue suggestions, and if you have specific needs or questions, maybe I can help. Cheers~