OpenNebula / minione

Easy to use deployment tool for an OpenNebula evaluation environment
Apache License 2.0
173 stars 54 forks source link

Ubuntu 20.04.4 --lxc not work #92

Closed Andrysky closed 1 year ago

Andrysky commented 2 years ago

Report not shown and if login in to ui ,download "33 Alpine Linux 3.15" to default datastore and "Instantiate VM Template" and run we get

Driver Error
Sun Jul 3 14:21:47 2022: DEPLOY: INFO: deploy: No block device on /var/lib/one/datastores/0/0/mapper/disk.0 INFO: deploy: No block device on /var/lib/one/datastores/0/0/mapper/disk.1 Running command sudo lxc-ls Running command sudo -n qemu-nbd --fork -c /dev/nbd0 /var/lib/one/datastores/0/0/disk.0 Running command lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE Running command lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE Running command lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE Running command lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE Running command sudo -n mount /dev/nbd0 /var/lib/one/datastores/0/0/mapper/disk.0 mount: /var/lib/one/datastores/0/0/mapper/disk.0: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nbd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. Running command sudo -n qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0 There was an error creating the containter. ExitCode: 255


user@server:~$ sudo bash minione --lxc -v --password pass
[sudo] password for user:

### Checks & detection
Checking distribution and version [Ubuntu 20.04 6.4]  OK
Checking if OpenNebula repository exists  OK
Checking cpu virtualization capabilities  SKIP QEMU will be used
Checking augeas is installed  OK
Checking curl is installed  OK
Checking add-apt-repository is available  OK
Checking free disk space  OK
Checking directories from previous installation  OK
Checking user from previous installation  OK
Checking sshd service is running  OK
Checking iptables are installed  OK
Checking bridge-utils are installed  SKIP will try to install
Checking apt-transport-https is installed  OK
Checking if gnupg is installed  OK
Checking if ca-certificates is up-to-date  OK
Checking AppArmor  SKIP will try to modify
Checking for present ssh key  OK
Checking local interface [ens18]  OK
Checking (iptables|netfilter)-persistent are installed  SKIP will try to install
Checking minionebr interface is not present  OK
Checking virtual network is not routed  OK
Checking docker is installed  SKIP will try to install
Checking python3-pip is installed  OK
Checking ansible  SKIP will try to install
Checking terrafrom version (>= v0.13.6)  OK

### Main deployment steps:
Install OpenNebula frontend version 6.4
Install Docker
Configure bridge minionebr with IP
Enable NAT over ens18
Modify AppArmor
Install OpenNebula LXC node
Export appliance and update VM template
Install  bridge-utils iptables-persistent netfilter-persistent
Install pip 'ansible==2.9.9'

Do you agree? [yes/no]:

### Installation
Updating APT cache  OK
Install  bridge-utils iptables-persistent netfilter-persistent  OK
Updating PIP  OK
Install from PyPI 'ansible==2.9.9'  OK
Creating bridge interface minionebr  OK
Bring bridge interfaces up  OK
Enabling IPv4 forward  OK
Persisting IPv4 forward  OK
Configuring NAT using iptables  OK
Saving iptables changes  OK
Installing DNSMasq  OK
Starting DNSMasq  OK
Configuring repositories  OK
Updating APT cache  OK
Installing OpenNebula packages  OK
Installing opennebula-provision package   OK
Create docker packages repository  OK
Install docker  OK
Start docker service  OK
Enable docker service  OK
Installing OpenNebula lxc node packages  OK

### Configuration
Generating ssh keypair in /root/.ssh-oneprovision/id_rsa  OK
Add oneadmin to docker group  OK
Update network hooks  OK
Switching OneGate endpoint in oned.conf  OK
Switching OneGate endpoint in onegate-server.conf  OK
Switching keep_empty_bridge on in OpenNebulaNetwork.conf  OK
Switching scheduler interval in oned.conf  OK
Switching to QEMU emulation  OK
Setting initial password for current user and oneadmin  OK
Changing WebUI to listen on port 80  OK
Switching FireEdge public endpoint  OK
Starting OpenNebula services  OK
Enabling OpenNebula services  OK
Add ssh key to oneadmin user  OK
Update ssh configs to allow VM addresses reusing  OK
Ensure own hostname is resolvable  OK
Checking OpenNebula is working  OK
Disabling ssh from virtual network  OK
Adding localhost ssh key to known_hosts  OK
Testing ssh connection to localhost  OK
Updating datastores template  OK
Creating LXC host  OK
Restarting OpenNebula  OK
Creating virtual network  OK
Exporting [alpine_edge - LXD] from Marketplace to local datastore  user@server:~$
Andrysky commented 1 year ago

sudo cat /tmp/tmp.* MARKETPLACEAPP named ID not found.