The current implementation of Security Groups (SG) have to main limitations:
A high number of rules needs to be processed in high density setups. This also may expose kernel connection tracking tables to a denial of service attack.
Implementation is limited to linux bridge-based drivers.
The proposed enhancement is to decouple the SG implementation with the actual switching technology used to implement a Virtual Network (e.g linux bridge or OpenVSwitch).
This way the functional logic is distributed in two layers:
Connection Layer: This is basically the current functionality. It is responsible for setting up the connection devices: bridge creation and interface tagging and configuration.
Firewall layer: This new layer is responsible to set up the firewalling infrastructure for each VM. The main components of the new firewall facilities are:
A linux bridge (LXB) associated with each VM interface. This LXB is used to implement the SG rules for inbound and outbound traffic.
A network namespace (netns) for each VM to isolate iptables rules and conntrack tables. This will greatly improve the performance of traffic processing.
The workflow will look as below:
The VM is by default connected to the the network bridge, as defined in the network template.
Create a netns for the VM, named after one-<VM_ID>
Remove the VM tap from the network bridge and move this tap to the VM netns
Create a firewall LXB, named after one-br-<VM_ID>-<NIC_ID> in the VM netns
Create a veth to connect the firewall LXB and the Virtual Network bridge. Each pair will be in the VM and Hypervisor network namespaces, respectively.
Attach the VM end of the veth and the VM tap to the firewall LXB.
Attach the Hypervisor end of the veth to the Virtual Network bridge.
Progress Status
[ ] Branch created
[ ] Code committed to development branch
[ ] Testing - QA
[ ] Documentation
[ ] Release notes - resolved issues, compatibility, known issues
[ ] Code committed to upstream release/hotfix branches
[ ] Documentation committed to upstream release/hotfix branches
Description The current implementation of Security Groups (SG) have to main limitations:
The proposed enhancement is to decouple the SG implementation with the actual switching technology used to implement a Virtual Network (e.g linux bridge or OpenVSwitch).
This way the functional logic is distributed in two layers:
Firewall layer: This new layer is responsible to set up the firewalling infrastructure for each VM. The main components of the new firewall facilities are:
The workflow will look as below:
in the VM netnsProgress Status