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Unable to extract values from .yang file available inside "identity" for xml file generation. #6

Open thearpittripathi opened 3 years ago

thearpittripathi commented 3 years ago

I am trying to generate xml output using pyang -f xsd --xsd-groups --xsd-no-any-augments filename.yang

Input Yang file: module toaster {

yang-version 1;

namespace "";

prefix toast;

organization "Netconf Central";

contact "Andy Bierman";

description "YANG version of the TOASTER-MIB.

Copyright (c) 2009 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License";

revision "2009-11-20" { description "Toaster module in progress."; }

identity toast-type { description "Base for all bread types supported by the toaster. New bread types not listed here nay be added in the future."; }

identity white-bread { base toast:toast-type; description "White bread."; }

identity wheat-bread { base toast-type; description "Wheat bread."; }

identity wonder-bread { base toast-type; description "Wonder bread."; }

identity frozen-waffle { base toast-type; description "Frozen waffle."; }

identity frozen-bagel { base toast-type; description "Frozen bagel."; }

identity hash-brown { base toast-type; description "Hash browned potatos."; }

typedef DisplayString { type string { length "0 .. 255"; } description "YANG version of the SMIv2 DisplayString TEXTUAL-CONVENTION."; reference "RFC 2579, section 2.";


container toaster { presence "Indicates the toaster service is available"; description "Top-level container for all toaster database objects."; leaf toasterManufacturer { type DisplayString; config false; mandatory true; description "The name of the toaster's manufacturer. For instance, Microsoft Toaster."; }

leaf toasterModelNumber {
  type DisplayString;
  config false;
  mandatory true;
    "The name of the toaster's model. For instance,
         Radiant Automatic.";

leaf toasterStatus {
  type enumeration {
    enum "up" {
      value 1;
        "The toaster knob position is up.
                No toast is being made now.";
    enum "down" {
      value 2;
        "The toaster knob position is down.
                Toast is being made now.";
  config false;
  mandatory true;
    "This variable indicates the current state of 
         the toaster.";

} // container toaster

rpc make-toast { description "Make some toast. The toastDone notification will be sent when the toast is finished. An 'in-use' error will be returned if toast is already being made. A 'resource-denied' error will be returned if the toaster service is disabled."; input { leaf toasterDoneness { type uint32 { range "1 .. 10"; } default '5'; description "This variable controls how well-done is the ensuing toast. It should be on a scale of 1 to 10. Toast made at 10 generally is considered unfit for human consumption; toast made at 1 is warmed lightly."; }

  leaf toasterToastType {
    type identityref {
      base toast:toast-type;
    default 'wheat-bread';
      "This variable informs the toaster of the type of 
             material that is being toasted. The toaster 
             uses this information, combined with 
             toasterDoneness, to compute for how 
             long the material must be toasted to achieve 
             the required doneness.";

} // rpc make-toast

rpc cancel-toast { description "Stop making toast, if any is being made. A 'resource-denied' error will be returned if the toaster service is disabled."; } // rpc cancel-toast

notification toastDone { description "Indicates that the toast in progress has completed."; leaf toastStatus { type enumeration { enum "done" { value 0; description "The toast is done."; } enum "cancelled" { value 1; description "The toast was cancelled."; } enum "error" { value 2; description "The toaster service was disabled or the toaster is broken."; } } description "Indicates the final toast status"; } } // notification toastDone } // module toaster

thearpittripathi commented 3 years ago

XML file is generating but does not have all values.

Output XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:yin="urn:ietf:params:xml:schema:yang:yin:1" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:ncn="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="2009-11-20" xml:lang="en" xmlns:toast="">

<xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" schemaLocation=""/> <xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0" schemaLocation=""/>

This schema was generated from the YANG module toaster by pyang version 1.2. The schema describes an instance document consisting of the entire configuration data store, operational data, rpc operations, and notifications. This schema can thus NOT be used as-is to validate NETCONF PDUs. YANG version of the TOASTER-MIB. Copyright (c) 2009 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License YANG version of the SMIv2 DisplayString TEXTUAL-CONVENTION. Top-level container for all toaster database objects. The name of the toaster's manufacturer. For instance, Microsoft Toaster. The name of the toaster's model. For instance, Radiant Automatic. This variable indicates the current state of the toaster. Make some toast. The toastDone notification will be sent when the toast is finished. An 'in-use' error will be returned if toast is already being made. A 'resource-denied' error will be returned if the toaster service is disabled. This variable controls how well-done is the ensuing toast. It should be on a scale of 1 to 10. Toast made at 10 generally is considered unfit for human consumption; toast made at 1 is warmed lightly. This variable informs the toaster of the type of material that is being toasted. The toaster uses this information, combined with toasterDoneness, to compute for how long the material must be toasted to achieve the required doneness. Stop making toast, if any is being made. A 'resource-denied' error will be returned if the toaster service is disabled. Indicates that the toast in progress has completed. Indicates the final toast status