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Submit repo: field questions #23

Closed beep closed 7 years ago

beep commented 7 years ago

Hey @kissane, when you have a minute:

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 12 03 58 pm

I’d like to make sure these fields are labeled accessibly; could you give me a breakdown on what each field will contain?

My current working theory:

What is it? [Name of software package] is a [kind of software package] that [purpose of software package].

Who made it? [Freeform field for name(s) of creator(s)]

Is any of that right? Thanks!

kissane commented 7 years ago

That is basically all perfect, @beep. I would say:

What is it? [Name of app/tool] is a [what the app/tool is] that [what the app/tool does, and for whom].

Who made it? [Freeform field for name(s) of creator(s), optionally including organization name]

kissane commented 7 years ago

Just imagine that I formatted that properly. Isn't that a nice thing to imagine?

beep commented 7 years ago

@kissane I could not have markdownéd it more perfectly than that.

(Thank you!)

beep commented 7 years ago

@kissane I could use a little interaction/design feedback, if you get a moment. Specifically, on this bit:

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 3 49 17 pm

On a scale of 1 to ethan you should stop doing web design, what do you think of something like this:


The emoji are totally replaceable—I’m using Twitter’s CC-licensed emoji, but we could use any icons—but how would something like this be, instead of regular ol’ radio buttons? Too much Whimsy™?

kissane commented 7 years ago

I loooooooooove this. I'll probably tweak the language to match the Whimsy Level™ you select, but I love the idea—it's a great place to be doofy on the site. And I am pro-doof.

beep commented 7 years ago

Marvelous. Thanks for the feedback, Erin! I’ll keep it for now. (And I’ll add Twitter’s emoji to the final list of software licenses, too.)

I am pro-doof.

i mean i assume that’s how i got this jorb

kissane commented 7 years ago


kissane commented 7 years ago

I'm just going to use that at every opportunity. Be warned.

beep commented 7 years ago

here 4 it


ryanpitts commented 7 years ago

@beep it looks to me like this is validating the form on the front end, so I shouldn't wire up server-side validation. Is that right?

beep commented 7 years ago

@ryanpitts: The red blocks in the template are just samples of what error messages could look like, style-wise. I haven’t tossed in any required attributes into the markup, and haven’t done any JS validation.

I can do both of those things, of course! But I usually recommend them as complements to server-side validation. I defer to you, though.

ryanpitts commented 7 years ago

@beep ah! No problem then, Django is actually pretty handy with defining forms and automatically handling validation. Shouldn't need to do things on the js side for such a simple form, I think. I just saw a few bits in the js that made me wonder if validation was happening.

beep commented 7 years ago

@ryanpitts Ah! Sorry for the confusion: that’s a little (overwrought) JS I tossed together to assemble some of the sentence-ish parts of the form.