OpenNingia / l5r-character-manager-3

Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition - Character Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Roll & Keep System not being calculated correctly #120

Closed OpenNingia closed 10 years ago

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 05, 2012 23:18:25 "As with previous editions, only ten dice are ever used and that for ever 2 dice rolled beyond the first ten, you get to keep an extra. For example 12k4 is turned into 10k5."

11k4 would be rolled as 10k4. 12k4 as 10k5 13k4 as 10k5. 14k4 as 10k6. etc.

Original issue:

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 05, 2012 14:28:50

Maybe you could list the raw and rolled values for a skill like this: 10k4 (11k4) 10k8 (16k5)

This way people can easily adjust the values when the rolls are modified by other abilities. For example when 11k4 gets a +1k0 bonus and is then rolled as 10k5.

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 06, 2012 05:39:34

the program should calculate the roll & keep system according to that rule. Can you point an example where this is not true?


OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 06:13:48

In fact, according to rules, 11k4 should be rolled as 10k4+2 (you get a +2 bonus when you roll an odd number above 10) and 12k4 should be rolled as 10k5 (you get a +0k1 bonus for every two dices rolled above 10).

Then, 13k4 is converted to 10k5+2, for example.

I tried to replicate this issue, I used my Tsuruchi Archer profile, and then I added a modifier on her Kyujutsu skill. The program is showing the modified atk roll incorrectly, because it is translating 11k4 to 10k5, when the correct value should be 10k4+2, and it is translating 12k4 to 10k6, when the correct value should be 10k5.

I hope this help you.

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 06:47:43

11k4 should not be rolled as 10k4+2, the rules says that:

"when you already have 10 kept dice, you instead get a bonus of 2 to the roll for every 2 dice kept or rolled beyond the first ten. 12k10 turns into 10k10+2 and 12k14 turns into 10k10+6"

so 11k4 should not be 10k5, nor 10k4+2, but 10k4.

I'll try to fix this asap.

Status: Accepted

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 06:54:19

It's a +2 for each extra rolled and kept die when there are 10 kept dice. So 12k10 is 10k10+4. 10k11 is 10k10+2.

It might be easier for everyone just to leave the raw values, for example: 12k10, 11k4, 14k8, etc. in place so that players can convert the values themselves on their sheets.

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 06:55:58

yes, this is probably the easiest ( and best ) solution.

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 07:57:35

According to Core Rulebook page 77:

The Ten Dice Rule In the L5R RPG, characters can progress to a point where they are rolling large handfuls of dice, so much that it can become difficult to count and track them all. To keep matters relatively simple, no roll can ever use more than ten dice at a time. Additional rolled dice become kept dice at a ratio of one kept die per two additional rolled dice. If both rolled and kept dice already equal ten, then each additional die of both types converts to a bonus of +2 to the total of the roll.

EXAMPLE: A roll of 12k4 would become 10k5, because the two extra rolled dice that exceed the Ten Dice Rule become one extra kept die.

EXAMPLE:A roll of 13k9 would become 10k10 + 2, because the two extra rolled dice that exceed the Ten Dice Rule become one extra kept die, and the additional odd rolled die becomes a bonus of +2.

EXAMPLE:A roll of 10k12 would become 10k10 + 4, with each of the extra kept dice above the Ten Dice Rule becoming a bonus of +2.

EXAMPLE:A roll of 14k12 would become 10k10 +12. Since both rolled and kept dice exceed ten, the four additional rolled dice become a bonus of +8, and the two additional kept dice become a bonus of +4, for a total of +12.

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 08:12:34

Ok, I re-read the rule, and I understand what is happening.

When we read the rules when we got our core rulebooks back when it was released, we understood the odd values greater than 10 had to add 2 because it had sense to not lose all the value of those dices.

I'm not sure if that was explained on Alderac Forums (I can't check it because where I work has a firewall blocking gaming webpages), but I'll try to look for it (or maybe, I'll post asking, because I feel it's unfair those dices simply "disappear").

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 07, 2012 08:27:47

As noted before I believe that the best approach here is to leave the basic notation ( i.e. 13k4 ) and then make the player/gm free to do what they like with the odd dices.

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on November 16, 2012 05:34:51

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: Fixed

OpenNingia commented 10 years ago

From on February 27, 2013 05:07:45

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Status: Verified