Does anybody think, will it be good to have some interactive shell to experiment with nuc976 hardware directly via UART command line?
U-Boot works well for its narrow goal: bootloader only.
Linux is also great, but it is a full-functional heavy general purpose OS
FreeRTOS is targeted only to run a single specific multitasking application.
Does anybody interested in a mid-level solution, stays between them: very light, low-level but user interactive system can be used for experimenting, hardware testing, or automated command processing sent from up level servers via UART, telnet or USB/serial?
I mean OpenFirmware port or some primitive FORTH system:
Does anybody think, will it be good to have some interactive shell to experiment with nuc976 hardware directly via UART command line?
Does anybody interested in a mid-level solution, stays between them: very light, low-level but user interactive system can be used for experimenting, hardware testing, or automated command processing sent from up level servers via UART, telnet or USB/serial?
I mean OpenFirmware port or some primitive FORTH system: