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Request for dedicated testers #44

Closed kiwidoggie closed 6 years ago

kiwidoggie commented 6 years ago

mira-project currently needs testers with various PS4 models to run testing builds of Mira and also test new features and also be able to report bugs, and ensure that there is consistency across all of the versions.

We need

pearlxcore commented 6 years ago

How to participate?

I own 5.05 on slim Hosted payload on my website Im using ubuntu to compile payloads

DarkElementPL commented 6 years ago

I would be quite interested in doing so. How to participate? :P I'm using CUH-1216A, running on firmware 5.05. I also have Ubuntu in case something needs to be compiled. As host I mainly use Al-Azif's DNS or site

Jespertnh commented 6 years ago

I would be interested in testing this. I'm on fat ps4 5.05

Makokai commented 6 years ago

Fat PS4 FW 5.05, glad if I could help. Using Al-Azif's host. Don't know how to compile but will be glad to learn so I can help more an more people with this.

chadbell30 commented 6 years ago

PS4 fat Cuh-1003 on fw 5.05 azifs host

LightningMods commented 6 years ago

PS4 fat cuh-1200 4.55 PS4 fat cuh-100 5.05

Blackp0wn commented 6 years ago

Ps4 pro 5.05 I have 5.05 pup + recovery pup Running ubuntu on windows 10 sub system

Marcowerjr commented 6 years ago

I could help. PS4 FAT FW= 5.05 I use KM Zoilus Exploit Payground host I can compile

DayVeeBoi commented 6 years ago

Hey, how's it going? I have a slim on 4.55. I can compile from source.

endojunky commented 6 years ago

Currently running 5.05 on a CUH-1216A, while using AlAzifs exploit host or self hosted Webserver (depending on where I'm currently at). The ability to compile code is given (thanks to a laptop running Ubuntu + Linux subsystem on windows 10).

So, if i could somehow help/test or contribute to the development of the Mira-project, let me know :)

helloitu commented 6 years ago

Im interested.

PS4 Slim FW = 5.05 Model = CUH-2015A personal exploit playground SDK´s ready to compile, hability to develop and custom some codes, learning ps4 arch, and can to interpret a klog.

Already contributed only with few translations in some mira´s projects.

Contact: discord> Helloitu, twitter> @JjDoSeuKkk, email >

ScriptedArtsOfficial commented 6 years ago

I would be happy to :) I have a CUH-1216A - 5.05, I useal azif windows offline to host usually but have hotspot! The app I havent managed to compile on windows fo windows or android, if you can supply a compiled source Im game to test (been dying to test) there was a debug.apk?


kazookid0 commented 6 years ago

I'd like to help! I own a phat PS4 CUH-1116A datecode 4C and am om firmware version 5.05. you can find me on discord "Kazoo Kid#3234" and

Thibobo commented 6 years ago

I own a 4.05 pro(can’t say exact modelnumber as i am on holiday. But it came with 3.70), i can host dns + xampp localy or esp, i have ubuntu setup in vmware with 4.05 payload sdk, can compile when the right sdk is given.

If i can help/test/contribute in any way please contact me on discord or twitter.


ConsoleHax commented 6 years ago

I can test on these consoles: 3.55 phat + 4.05 phat + 5.05 Pro. You can find me on Discord in various scene channels (ConsoleHax) / Twitter (ConsoleHax_com).

youngdot420 commented 6 years ago

Hi I have ps4 4.05 little big planet 3 bundle Fat ps4

Model CUH-1115A

I use al host exe

SocraticBliss commented 6 years ago

5.05 Pro - ready for duty!

iggy1 commented 6 years ago

4.55 cuh-1003a broken blu-ray drive

GregoryRasputin commented 6 years ago

Original UK release model on 5.05, would love to beta test.

codemasterv commented 6 years ago


ESP/ DNS/ Ubuntu Host vtx FW 5.05 Model: Taco Bell Gold PS4 CUH-1215A I can compile

Klairm commented 6 years ago

FW: 5.05 Model: Fat Jet Black CUH-1004A/B01 And yes i can compile

ghost commented 6 years ago

Sadly no option for 5.55 lol but why 3.55 if no kexploit was released for it ?

logock commented 6 years ago

I can test with my PS4 PRO 5.05 CUH-7116B.

Vavuxx commented 6 years ago

I can test with à Ps4 5.05 fat jet Black CUH-1004A and i can compile too.

Local hosting via xampp & Al-Azif's host.

I have some experience in application testing/reporting.

External HDD with 1.5To, usb3.

X41 commented 6 years ago

got a CUH-1004A on 3.55 that i haven't touched in ages still didn't get around to porting bpfwrite, but i might soon-ish maybe with some luck if i finally find the time and motivation? would love to help though

ghost commented 6 years ago

I have the original ps4 on 5.05 if needed I'm available for testing. Android dev if needed I'm here ;p

devang-joshi commented 6 years ago

Ps4 5.05, need to learn how to compile but ready and able to do so. Please count me in.

nico-arg commented 6 years ago

PS4 Pro on 5.05, I'm in if needed.

Ikeb0mb commented 6 years ago

I'm on 5.05 with a pro CUH7115B. I can also compile. I'm on discord and Twitter. I host using the esp8266 host by c0d3m4st4

nokodemus commented 6 years ago

running Ubuntu just in case of necessary compiling

Keeperdy commented 6 years ago

It would be great to help you testing:

scottps4 commented 6 years ago

Australian 4.05 fat CUH-1202A 5B Al-Azifs 5.05 fat CUH-1102A 4C Al-Azifs 5.55 fat CUH 1102B 5B PSN Pc -Ubuntu -Windows 10-hackintosh-Arch etc Soldering-Modz- old school ps3 ways downgrades-teensy++x2

Kazumatr commented 6 years ago

PS4 PRO 5.05

yakaracolombia commented 6 years ago

Hi. I want to participate. 5.05 ps4 fat I'm hosting online in I want to help in anyway . Thank you

tuuuubes commented 6 years ago

pro on 4.55 slim on 5.05

Warez007 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I would be happy to join the test PS4 5.05 Poland, used My mod Exploit All in 1. PS4 FAT CUH 1116 5.05 PS4 PRO CUH 7016 5.55

Thank you.

Sorry my English

diggerdu commented 6 years ago

I own 5.05 1206 I am a linux developer

ghost commented 6 years ago

CUS 1115A 5.05 CUS 1215A 4.55 CUS 2015A 5.55 CUS 7015A 5.55

All my consoles were bought in the US.

YorhaX2P commented 6 years ago

PS4 CUH-1004A - 5.05

its-sparky commented 6 years ago

PS4 CUH-2116B - 5.05

ghost commented 6 years ago

3.55 Slim CUH-2015A 4.55 Phat CUH-1215A

YorhaX2P commented 6 years ago

@LegacyProxy You need write with CUH-XXXXX and phat or slim, pro.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@SametChan Corrected, thx

k0t99 commented 6 years ago

I can help if it need, have ps4 slim 5.05 on board, I'm lamer, but something can to do

kiwidoggie commented 6 years ago

So far, everyone will need to confirm their status as a tester, as well as join the Open Orbis Discord

For 3.55 (If backported for explotation reasons, otherwise 4.05/4.55) @ConsoleHax @X41 (If ported)

For 4.05 (Short Term support for those who can't upgrade to 4.55) @Thibobo @youngdot420 @nokodemus

For 4.55 (Long Term Support for those without BDVD) @LightningMods @DayVeeBoi @iggy1 @Keeperdy @scottps4 @tuuuubes @H4v0oc21

For 5.01 (Will be deprecated for 1.3, but maintained by those who use it) @xxmcvapourxx myself

For 5.05 (Long Term Support, Primary FW targeted) @pearlxcore @DarkElementPL @Goodfeet @Makokai @chadbell30 @Blackp0wn @Marcowerjr @endojunky @helloitu @ScriptedArtsOfficial @kazookid0 @SocraticBliss @GregoryRasputin @codemasterv @Klairm @logock @Vavuxx @devang-joshi @nico-arg @Ikeb0mb @Warez007 @diggerdu @SametChan @Sparcakes @yakaracolombia @k0t99

If your firmware version has changed, do let me know. As it stands right now everyone will get testers builds, but we have more than enough for 5.05 at this current moment. If there are any changes needed, reply. Otherwise see you on discord, just write in #help channel that you need testers role, and the github account that was used to make this initial posting.

Edit: Overlords (which may not be available right away) will give you the proper groups, and add you to the proper groups in github, please be patient :)