OpenOrienteering / mapper

OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
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Feature discussion - export to GPX/KML #601

Open dominikzalewski opened 8 years ago

dominikzalewski commented 8 years ago

I would like to know if people are interested in the following feature. Please comment.

Use case 1: Execute an orienteering training session with zero or minimal effort. Use case 2: Setting up control points before a competition.

Extended description of 1. I have to prepare trainings for myself. It's really hard to do when I want to execute more advanced training session like

Without setting up control points in the woods trainings like these are simply impossible (at least for me).

Extended description of 2. When preparing a competition and setting up control points before the race, there's usually time pressure. If you're in hurry, you're more likely to make a mistake. Sometimes people less experienced with setting up control points would like to help, but you don't want them to setup the kite in the wrong spot.

Can we have technology to help us in both of these use cases?

I came up with the following idea. The description below assumes that you have access to 'Suunto Ambit 3' (I own such device). But I have been also experimenting with 'GPS Essentials' application on Android that doesn't work exactly like Suuunto's navigation, but is close enough to be considered a valid replacement.

So one simple solution to use case 2 would be to setup control points carying a tablet that one uses in OO Mapper for drawing. This would work, but usually you have other equipment in your hands (kites, stands) that it's impractical to carry a tablet. And this wouldn't work for use case 1.

What one needs is an audible feedback (as opposed to visual feedback) to signal that you are at the place were a control point is (or should be). So here's the prototype I have built and tested for few months now.

Step A - draw a simple course in OO Mapper screen shot 2016-02-18 at 05 31 39

Step B - export the course as KML I have coded a bit in OO Mapper and built a custom version that has the option shown on the screenshot. The code is around 50 lines and is only 'experimental' and of low quality (has no unit tests and does not handle exceptional cases correctly - like if you don't have any simple course, or you have two of them). It's just to check whether a prototype would work. screen shot 2016-02-18 at 05 29 20

screen shot 2016-02-18 at 05 29 01

Step C - create a navigation route on the watch I go to (the portal where you configure your Suunto Ambit watch) and create a route by importing the KML file exported from OO Mapper screen shot 2016-02-18 at 05 30 36

screen shot 2016-02-18 at 05 57 54

Step D - go into the woods When I'm in the forest I turn on navigation in the watch. It beeps when I'm at the control point and automatically switches to navigating to the next control point. I have the option on the watch to also show me how far I am from the control point and what direction should I head (more useful for use case 2 than for cheating in use case 1).

I have proven the prototype to work. It still takes me around 30 minutes to execute the workflow above due to the fact that I have to manually click on every waypoint in (but that's the inconvenience of Suunot's portal that we cannot do anything about). But it still saves me time, as otherwise I would need to first go into the woods to setup control points (and spoil my training session).

However, recently I discovered that Purple Pen has also the option to export to GPX the course drawn there. Since Purple Pen is so much better in setting up courses than OO Mapper, maybe it would be wise to invest some time in adapting the prototype with Purple Pen, rather than code the add-on I proposed in OO Mapper. However, the other problem with Purple Pen is that it runs only on Windows. And the second problem is that when I export OCD from OO Mapper, it does not save georeferencing ( Purple Pen only has the option to import OCD. I asked the developer on his issues portal whether he plans to support OO Mapper files import. His response clearly stated that it's not the best usage of his time.

So at least for use case 1 (training sessions) I'll keep on using OO Mapper.

I'm interested in what other people think about which direction should we be going and where should we be investing development time. Thanks for all your comments.

dominikzalewski commented 8 years ago

The first use case could be coved by #568 will maybe do some work on it in the coming week.

I'm not sure where the connection is. New map symbols have nothing to do with what I am proposing.

In the second use case; are you asking for a feature where you can export a line as a GPX/KML file? Like you can do in Purple Pen?

Yes, and I think it would be beneficial for you to first read my story carefully. It looks like you did not, because you are mentioning the facts that I already put in my description.

There is tons of apps giving you voice feedback during orienteering based on such files...

Please report what are these. But only if you tested/tried to test in the field. I had various experiences when trying to use these 'tons of apps' in the actual training. And only found one app that is not ideal, but at least allows you to do a training session.

dg0yt commented 3 years ago

KML/KMZ ground overlay export/import is coming now, #1793.

dg0yt commented 3 years ago

I think KML is done, in the current snapshots.

With regard to GPX, the new "Simple course" export (GH-1887) would offer a clean hook to add export of a single path object as GPX route points or way points, via the choice of file format.